本文选题:花 + 女性油画家 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:自古以来,花以一种美好的形象存在,是大自然最美丽的精灵。中国古典文学中的寄情于物,以花喻女子也似乎成为文人墨客的传统:“花容月貌”、“如花似玉”往往首先我们想到的是女性的直观感受。所以,女人如花,花如女人,女性与花之间的普遍共性让更多的女性油画家去关注花卉这一主题。透过她们自身独特的、有别于男性的视角,花卉这一小之又小的题材经由她们的幕后导演,在帷幕前诠释出女性画家严肃的人生态度。 论文第一章讲述花之象:论述的花的审美特征,分别从自然之花和花的文化内涵两方面阐释。 第二章作为论文的重点花之态:着重论述了当代女性油画家对花卉题材的具体表现,所呈现出来的各种姿态的艺术表现形式。分别从诗意的意象抒写,随意赋彩的涂鸦,“变异”之花的自赏,花非“花”的另类绽放,借花献“情”的勾勒,形式语言的拓展以及生命媚态的放大这几个方面来阐述了当代女性艺术家对花的表现。本节将结合大量与之相关的作品进行论证,以期更好的呈现她们彩笔下生长出的“万花丛”。 第三章是花之语:论述的是女性油画家借助花这一自然之物,品读她们的内心独白。从传统的东方文化情节、女性内在气质的传达及个体生命体验的表露三方面来反映她们对新时代知识女性人格乃至灵魂一次自我审视的价值立场。 第四章是花之魅:主要论及的是当代女性油画家作品中蕴含的价值。包括丰富了审视世界的视角,促进女性艺术家自觉意识的觉醒,更是创造了思考的新途径新意义以及批判性反思的新范畴。当然,,她们自身要想取得更多艺术领域的话语权,仍需不断奋斗。 女性艺术家正在打破传统语义对花卉的界定,并试图展现出现代的意象关联,来探索新的女性视角和思考新的思想深度,展现她们作为女性的感情觉醒和释放。在这里,她们不再是一个大门不出二门不迈的传统女性,而是艺术中畅快表达个人感情和倾诉心灵的现代女性。当代女性艺术的发展犹如文学上那句“创造了新的颤栗”,要充分认识到女性艺术的价值,更重要的是女性主体意识的独立与自觉。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, flowers have existed in a beautiful image and are the most beautiful elves of nature. In Chinese classical literature, it seems to be the tradition of the literati to use flowers to describe women: the first thing we think about is the intuitive feelings of women. Therefore, women as flowers, flowers as women, women and flowers between the general common cause more female oil painter to pay attention to the theme of flowers. Through their own unique, different from the male perspective, flower, a small and small theme through their behind-the-scenes director, in front of the curtain to interpret the serious attitude of female painters. The first chapter deals with the flower image: the aesthetic characteristics of the flower, respectively from the natural flower and the cultural connotation of the flower two aspects. The second chapter is the key flower state of the thesis: it focuses on the contemporary female oil painter's specific expression of flower theme and the artistic expression of various postures. Separately from poetic image expression, random graffiti, "variation" of the flower appreciation, flowers are not "flowers" of alternative blooming, through the flowers "feelings" outline, The expansion of formal language and the magnification of life are the aspects of contemporary female artists' representation of flowers. This section will be combined with a large number of related works to better present their pen under the growth of "thousands of flowers." The third chapter is the language of flowers: female oil painters read their inner monologues with the help of flower. From the three aspects of the traditional oriental cultural plot, the transmission of women's inner temperament and the expression of individual life experience, they reflect their value standpoint of self-examination on the intellectual women's personality and even the soul of the new era. The fourth chapter is the charm of flowers: it mainly deals with the value of contemporary female oil painters. It includes enriching the perspective of examining the world and promoting the awakening of the conscious consciousness of female artists. It also creates a new way of thinking, a new meaning and a new category of critical reflection. Of course, if they want to gain more say in the field of art, they still have to struggle. Female artists are breaking the traditional semantic definition of flowers and trying to show modern image association to explore new female perspective and thinking new depth of thought to show their emotional awakening and release as women. Here, they are no longer a traditional woman without two doors, but a modern woman who expresses her feelings and heart freely in art. The development of contemporary female art is like "creating a new chatter" in literature. It is necessary to fully realize the value of female art and, more importantly, the independence and consciousness of female subject consciousness.
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