本文选题:都市水墨人物画 + 意象表现 ; 参考:《西安美术学院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:在文化多元化的今天,如何使传统水墨艺术既具“现代性”的同时又不失其“民族性”,成为当下水墨艺术家在创作中需要解决的首要问题。产生于80年代的都市水墨人物画,以意象表现的形式语言揭示着社会转型期都市人的生存现状和生活境遇,直指当下社会问题和人性问题,使得水墨语言在当下的文化语境中真正确立了自己的艺术词语规范,因此都市水墨人物画的意象表现无疑最贴近当下现代水墨艺术转型的深刻人文内涵。 本文共分三章,第一部分首先以时间轴的顺序对水墨人物画的发展历程进行简述,简单梳理了从战国时期到宋元到20世纪90年代都市水墨人物画意象表现的艺术发展史,由此引入文章的第二部分,也是本文核心部分,,及当代都市水墨人物画形式语言的意象性表现。重点从艺术思维和形式语言方向着手进行个案研究,通过四个不同的涵盖方面结合画家的艺术创作实践来进行分析说明。 最后一部分是对都市水墨人物画意象表现的一些思考,包括其产生的影响,面临的困境和问题,最后谈及对自身艺术创作的启示。笔者坚信,都市水墨人物画意象表现以其独立的艺术精神必将在水墨人物画的发展过程中发挥其独特的价值和力量。
[Abstract]:In today's diversified culture, how to make the traditional ink and wash art have "modernity" while not losing its "national character" has become the most important problem that needs to be solved in the creation of ink and ink artists. Born in the 1980s, the urban ink figure painting reveals the living situation and living conditions of the urban people in the period of social transformation in the form of image expression, pointing directly to the current social problems and human nature problems. Make the ink language in the current cultural context of the real establishment of their own artistic norms, so the image of urban ink painting is undoubtedly the most close to the contemporary modern ink art transformation of the profound humanistic connotation. This paper is divided into three chapters. In the first part, the history of the development of water and ink figure painting is described in the order of time axis, and the art history of the image expression of urban ink figure painting from the warring States period to the Song and Yuan dynasties to the 1990s is simply combed. The second part of this paper is also the core part of this paper, and the image of the contemporary urban ink figure painting language. Focusing on the artistic thinking and formal language direction of the case study, through four different aspects of coverage combined with the artist's artistic creation practice to analyze and explain. The last part is some reflections on the image performance of urban ink figure painting, including its impact, difficulties and problems, and finally discusses the inspiration to its own artistic creation. The author firmly believes that the image expression of urban ink figure painting with its independent artistic spirit will play its unique value and power in the development process of ink figure painting.
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