发布时间:2018-06-03 04:48
本文选题:题画诗 + 宋代 ; 参考:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:胡晓明先生在《万川之月——中国山水诗的心灵境界》中说“中国艺术史上一个引人注目的现象,就是一幅山水作品中,留有大片空白,空白中题有一首诗,,这就是中国的‘国粹’。”题画诗是因画而产生的,它介于诗歌与绘画之间,是诗画艺术结合的最典型体现。中国古代绘画艺术自唐五代发展成熟,到宋代更是大放异彩。伴随着题画诗在宋代的发展成熟,笔者认为,题画诗将诗与绘画两种艺术联姻融合,将诗美与画美融于一身,它虽属于交叉学科,是一种应用性极强的诗体,但其本质是诗,文学性和诗性是其首要特点。 读一幅画,读题写在这幅画上的诗,既要细致深入地读出它们各自的深层意蕴,品出它们各自的艺术三昧之味,悟出诗人、画家的独具匠心,还应当对照着读,将画幅的绘画美和笔情、墨趣、画境,与题画诗里的艺术美和诗情画意逐一对照,寻觅它们相互融合、渗透、互补的精微之处,整体把握这件艺术品的美学特质。在一种特定的时空背景下,诗人欣赏画作将产生怎么样的情感反应,又是如何通过诗词歌赋这一载体来表达自己当下的感受,以及同时代人在题画诗的艺术表现上体现怎样的共同精神,基于这种精神在诗画理论中如何转化,这也是贯穿本论文的理念所在。鉴于此,本文研究思路主要包括:宋代题画诗概述——具体题材分类解析——美学特征——诗境及文人画影响——诗画理论转换——价值意义的深远影响,力图将文章打造成经纬交错的空间结构,使研究对象之间形成一个相互联系,相互贯穿的整体。 本文将对宋代题画诗的审美功能、诗画理论等几个方面做一个较为系统的研究。全文分为四章。 第一章对宋代题画诗做一个总的概述。1、从学界给题画诗的定义来看,分为狭义和广义两种。狭义的题画诗单单指书写于画上的诗词歌赋;广义的题画诗,则泛称以画为题的诗歌,或题写在画上,或题咏于画外,或画为命意,或赞赏,或寄兴,或议论,或讽喻世情,出之以诗词歌赋或散文等题材的文学作品。明确狭义和广义界定的区分可以整体把握论文的构架。2、从统计数量上来看,宋代作为题画诗发展成熟的关键时期,其题画诗所占比重之大,被题咏画家之多,被题咏的画作形式之完备,被题咏的题材之丰富,尤其是纯粹审美意味的轴画题诗的出现,说明题画作品在宋人艺术生活和精神安顿中的重要性。3、深入剖析宋代题画诗繁荣的原因将有助于扩大写作纬度,,认识政治、经济等因素对当时文学艺术的影响。 第二章分类解析宋代题画诗及审美功能。题画诗既然是以画为题而作的诗歌,那么按照诗歌表现题材类型的不同进行分类,则可以管窥宋代题画诗所表现的内容之全部,从而便于探讨诗歌的题材、内容以及审美功能。为了方便分析,本文将按画科分为山水、人物、花鸟三大类别。 第三章着重论述宋代题画诗对诗境和文人画的影响。1、对诗情画意浑然天成之诗境的影响。2、对中国古代文人画的影响。 第四章从诗画理论的角度分析宋代题画诗对中国画论和审美理论的影响。题画诗以文字再现画面,表现观者的审美眼光,寄寓了作者的审美理想。题画诗以诗的形式书写,其文类具有传统的制约规范,以及在此制约规范之下建构的审美要求。宋代作为史上创作题画诗的第一个高峰时期,笔者在对统计的作品研读时,发现唐人题画重视“写真”,即以画家创作的写实技巧为评赏原则;宋人则好品味“画意”,强调画家的个人“意气”,崇尚“得意忘形”。因此本人关于宋代题画诗审美理论的探讨将基于此变化轨迹,以及由此产生的审美风格。
[Abstract]:In the spirit realm of Chinese landscape poetry , Mr . Hu Xiaoming said : " One of the remarkable phenomena in the history of Chinese art is that there is a large gap in the works of Chinese art , and there is a poem in the blank , which is the most typical reflection of the combination of poetry and painting .
The paper reads a painting and reads the poems written in this painting . It is necessary to carefully read the deep meaning of the painting , and to understand the aesthetic characteristics of the art . In a specific time and space context , the poet appreciates the aesthetic characteristics of the art . In a specific time and space context , the poet appreciates the aesthetic characteristics of the art .
This paper makes a systematic study on the aesthetic function and the theory of poetry and painting in the Song Dynasty . The text is divided into four chapters .
The first chapter provides a general overview of the poems in the Song Dynasty . 1 . From the definition of the poem in the academic circle , it is divided into two categories : narrow sense and broad sense .
On the basis of statistics , Song Dynasty is the key period of the development and maturity of the poem , and the rich of the subject matter , especially the pure aesthetic meaning , can help to enlarge the writing latitude , understand politics , economy and other factors to influence the literature and art at the time .
The second chapter classifies the poems and the aesthetic functions of the Song Dynasty . As a result , the poems in the Song Dynasty are classified according to the different types of the subject matter , so that the subject matter , the content and the aesthetic function of the poems can be explored . In order to facilitate the analysis , the article divides into three categories of mountains , water , figures and flowers .
the third chapter focuses on the influence of the poems of the Song Dynasty on the poem and the scholar painting .
The fourth chapter analyses the influence of the poems of Song Dynasty on Chinese painting theory and aesthetic theory from the angle of poem drawing theory .
In the Song Dynasty , the discussion about the aesthetic theory of poetry in the Song Dynasty would be based on the track of change and the aesthetic style .
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