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发布时间:2018-06-12 11:57

  本文选题:榕树 + 线条 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The description of the root of banyan tree as the subject of fine brushwork. This paper mainly expounds the formation process of artistic creation from three aspects, namely "bamboo in the eyes", which is the source of inspiration and impulse of painting. In the face of the situation in nature, talk with the scene again and again, the objective object image causes the vibration of the soul, "from the object to create the emotion, from the feeling to create the image", so decided to take up the brush to record this scene; "Bamboo in your chest"-through my understanding and understanding of Chinese painting, the artistic image of the self comes into being when the feelings blend with each other. "the outside teacher makes the art, the source of the heart", which emphasizes not losing the beauty of the original form of things. And in the creation of their own subjective feelings, so that the screen is not only a replica of nature, more expression of the author's life character, mind, the author in nature and soul to achieve harmony, the work will also mean meaningful; Bamboo in the hand-this chapter mainly discusses the whole process of creation. According to the traditional painting steps of fine brushwork, we first discuss the composition of the composition, in which the lines are also the essence of the fine brushwork. Therefore, in the creation of "Life without end", I try to combine the lines of freehand brushwork with the rational lines of the paintbrush painting with the perceptual lines. Make the object shape accurate and vivid, enhance the randomness and straight expression, and "book into painting", so that "write" out of the lines more expressive and rhythmic. After having the bone marrow-line of creation, we should consider the visual effect presented by color, technique and so on. In color processing, I pay attention to along with the "meaning" of the lottery. Under the influence of contemporary fine brush painting, I focus on the application of new materials, new techniques, based on the traditional basis, integrating wiping, washing, grinding and other techniques, using a variety of materials, such as mica, silver foil, to achieve the desired results. "the pen and ink should follow the times", "live without end" is just reflected my value orientation, not only has the traditional element, but also does not lack the modern esthetic language, the artistic style is various, In the contemporary context of seeking to embrace the mentality of Park Gui-Zhen and the traditional culture to inherit and deduce.


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