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发布时间:2018-06-16 19:30

  本文选题:写实 + 油画 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:油画作为具有世界性的绘画种类之一起源于西方,已有数百年的发展历程和深厚的传统,其中每个时代都有登峰造极的大师凸显,在艺术史上留下不朽的传世名作。他们各领风骚,虽此起彼伏终究异彩纷呈耀眼夺目。一部泱泱的西方美术史整个就是写实油画(绘画)的发展史。 写实油画作为绘画的一种表现手法,在艺术形态方面属于具象艺术的范畴。本文从具象写实油画的语言入手,深入探讨自人类写实意识的萌芽到写实性绘画的诞生、及写实油画作为绘画的一种形式语言在西方和中国演化、流变的漫长过程,其中伴随摄影照相术的生发,对写实油画带来“鸠占鹊巢”的惶恐不安,刺痛写实画家身心,同时又衍生新的观念促使写实油画语言革命性的流变,拓展了写实油画语言新的疆域,打破了古典写实一统天下的局势,使具象写实油画与抽象、表现等绘画语言多元共进,迎来前所未有的崭新天地。与此同时,“写实油画作为架上绘画已经失去意义没有了价值”“写实绘画已经死亡”之类云云话语如影随行纷沓而至,写实油画似乎如履薄冰四面楚歌。然而事实证明写实油画作为架上绘画并未“失去意义没有了价值”更没有像某些人预言的那样早早的衰亡,而是仍然在绘画领域中不断的流变,依然扮演着重要的角色,发挥着它的作用。 具象写实油画语言作为多类绘画语言的一种,它是人类思想情感与手工劳作的文化产物、是人类进化能力的体现,是人的心、眼、手同画布的接触碰撞所产生的心灵痕迹,表达人内心的某种情感和精神,是人的心灵同生活、自然碰撞的结果。而手的灵巧是人类进化的重要成果,写实绘画的创作是由手的高度完善带来的技艺性与自我意识的结合所产生的。而其中的技艺性是需要人们经过长期训练和实践得来的,这一过程并不能因为科技的高度进步发达而被忽略。即便电脑技术更加发达,机器可以帮助人做更多的事情,但最终也无法取代人类的思维和人类的手工技能,因为人的灵魂是任何无生命的东西都代替不了的。因此,作为有人的精神情感和手工技艺参与的写实油画艺术应该是与人类同生同灭的。只要有人的存在,手工技艺的写实油画作为人类精神情感的产物,便会随时随势的发展和流变,而不会早早的衰亡
[Abstract]:As one of the world painting types, oil painting originated in the West, has hundreds of years of development and deep tradition, in which each era has the highlight of the masters, leaving immortal masterpieces in the history of art. Each of them, in spite of one after another, was dazzling in splendor and splendor. A great western art history is the history of realistic oil painting. Realistic oil painting, as a technique of painting, belongs to the category of figurative art in the aspect of artistic form. Starting with the language of realistic oil painting, this paper deeply discusses the long process from the germination of realistic consciousness to the birth of realistic painting, and the evolution of realistic oil painting as a formal language of painting in the West and China. Accompanied by the growth of photography, realistic oil painting brought "dove occupy the nest" panic, stinging realistic painter body and mind, but also derived new ideas to promote the revolutionary evolution of realistic oil painting language. It expands the new territory of realistic oil painting language, breaks the situation of classical realism and dominates the world, and makes realistic oil painting, abstract, performance and other painting languages advance together, and ushered in an unprecedented new world. At the same time, "realistic oil painting as a shelf painting has lost significance," realistic painting is dead, "and so on words such as shadow to accompany, realistic oil painting seems to be embattled on every side. However, the facts have proved that realistic oil painting, as a frame painting, has not "lost its meaning and lost its value," nor has it fallen to an early death as some people have predicted, but it is still constantly evolving in the field of painting and still playing an important role. Play its role. As a kind of many kinds of painting language, realistic oil painting language is the cultural product of human thought, emotion and manual work, the embodiment of human evolutionary ability, and the mental trace produced by the contact between human heart, eye, hand and canvas. To express a certain emotion and spirit in one's heart is the result of the collision of human mind with life and nature. The dexterity of the hand is an important achievement of human evolution. The creation of realistic painting is caused by the combination of skill and self-consciousness brought by the perfection of the hand. And the skills need to be trained and practiced for a long time, and this process can not be ignored because of the highly advanced science and technology. Even if the computer technology is more advanced, the machine can help the human to do more things, but also cannot replace the human thought and the human craft skill in the end, because the human soul can not replace anything inanimate. Therefore, the realistic oil painting art, as a person's spiritual emotion and handicraft skill, should be born and died with human beings. As long as there are people, artisanal realistic oil painting, as a product of human spiritual feelings, will always follow the development and evolution of the situation, and will not decline and die early.


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4 王t,




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