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发布时间:2018-06-30 04:05

  本文选题:王蒙 + 葛稚川移居图 ; 参考:《中央美术学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:对从事艺术创作的艺术工作者来说,研究艺术家个案可以窥探一些艺术领域中的问题,学习一些技法和构图方式,发现艺术家的创作思路和时代对他的影响,从而对当代艺术家有所指引和启迪,更好的为今人所用。本文对元代山水画家王蒙的时代背景,生活状况作了详尽分析,从而找出导致其艺术创作状态的根本原因,同时发现各种环境因素对艺术创作的影响。 王蒙不仅在技法上有独特的见解,还在构图上大胆创新,例如《青卞隐居图》《具区林屋图》和《太白山图卷》等。他可谓承上启下,对艺术家的创作有很大的指导意义。并且他对艺术家与当下环境的关系作了实践。他的艺术创作紧密地反映了自己的内心和环境对他的影响。与他同时代的画家全都避世而隐居山林,他却偏爱入仕途,几经失败却孜孜不倦。 随着研究的深入,可以发现艺术家个人的创作离不开他所处的时代,离不开他个人的性格,真正的艺术创作应是个人与其时代和所处的环境共同作用的结果。艺术创作应在反映本我的同时带有时代气息,不能脱离时代而只求自我。其中重要的例子是王蒙的《葛稚川移居图》 社会的发展有着历史的纵向渊源,也有着现实横向复杂的社会联系。这些联系和渊源形成了既独立又相互依存的有机整体,孤立的事物是不存在的,就事论事也不可能对事物作出准确的认识。所以艺术家个案研究则更应是建立在时代背景上的研究。同时对王蒙而言,我们不仅仅是学习他技法还有构图的创新,还应认识到他在动荡的时代中的积极的入世态度是我们当代艺术创作者应当学习的。今人要有所发展必应是通古而博今的。
[Abstract]:For artists who are engaged in artistic creation, the study of artist cases can be used to spy on some of the problems in the field of art, to learn some techniques and ways of composition, to discover the creative ideas and influence of the times on the artists, to guide and enlighten the contemporary artists, and to better use them for the present. This article is a landscape painter of the Yuan Dynasty. The background of Wang Meng's times and the living conditions were analyzed in detail to find out the fundamental cause of his artistic creation, and to find the influence of various environmental factors on the creation of art.
Wang Meng not only has unique views on techniques, but also makes bold innovations in composition, such as "green Bian Seclusion", "forest house map" and "Taibai mountain picture". He can be described as an inspiration to the creation of artists. And he practices the relationship between the artist and the present environment. His artistic creation is closely reflected. The influence of his own heart and environment on him. He and his contemporaries pave the world and hide in the mountains, but he prefers to enter the official career, but fails after many failures.
With the deepening of the research, it is found that the artist's personal creation can not be separated from his time without his personal character. The true artistic creation should be the result of the interaction between the individual and his times and the environment. An important example is Wang Meng's "Puerto kudgchuan emigrating"
The development of society has a historical longitudinal origin, and also has a complex and complex social connection. These connections and sources have formed an organic whole which is independent and interdependent. The isolated things do not exist, and it is impossible to make an accurate understanding of the things. So the case study of the artists should be built on the back of the times. At the same time, for Wang Meng, we should not only learn from the innovation of his technique and composition, but also to realize that his active entry into the world in the turbulent times should be studied by our contemporary artistic creators.


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