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发布时间:2018-07-06 06:56

  本文选题:意象 + 当代 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国传统美术是一种意象艺术,中国传统绘画不管是在思维方式上还是在造型原则中,都带有明显的意象化倾向。油画这个本来发生于西方的艺术种类,在中国经历了百年的发展之后,现在的中国油画,在审美趋向和表达方式上都已实现了民族化、本土化。当下的中国油画在各个方面——题材、内容或是表现技法——它都已经融入了浓厚的中国文化精神,更有许多油画家在他们的油画作品中表现出明显的意象化倾向,,与民族文化一脉相承,展现出一种民族审美意识。 它是油画艺术在中国本土文化下生成的,体现中国民族文化特质的绘画艺术。它不是简单地将中西绘画艺术混乱杂交,而是油画艺术在中国的一种特殊发展。它的内在核心是中国的东方文化精神,外在形式上则具备了西方绘画艺术的一些形式语言。其具有既不同于中国画又有异于西方油画的独特审美特征。 油画创作中的意象思维不是简单地用油彩画中国画,它传承的是中国文化精神、民族审美心理,是中国文化包容度的显现。它表现了典型的东方意境,是中国人的独特文化内含对艺术家的影响,追求的是一种诗性的流露、精神的超脱。它不拘泥于物象具体的形状、色彩等的描绘,而是以中国人的特有的对自然的全身心的体味方式,在油画艺术中表达对自然的感悟。 油画创作中的意象思维是在中国文化语境下生成并迅速发展的,它呈现的是中国文化精神影响下的中国本土艺术风貌,以中国意象美学观念融于油画艺术的创作中去,讲究得意写形、澄怀味像,重意境的发生和诗意的传达,以写意、的表现手法追求形象上的似与不似之间,彰显中国文化精神特质。
[Abstract]:Chinese traditional art is a kind of image art. Chinese traditional painting has obvious tendency of image in both thinking mode and modeling principle. Oil painting, which originally took place in the West, has experienced a hundred years of development in China. Now, Chinese oil painting has realized nationalization and localization in aesthetic trend and expression mode. The current Chinese oil painting has incorporated the strong spirit of Chinese culture in all aspects-subject matter, content, or performance techniques-and many oil painters have shown an obvious tendency of imagery in their oil paintings. Inherits with the national culture, displays a kind of national esthetic consciousness. It is a kind of painting art which is formed under Chinese native culture and embodies the characteristics of Chinese national culture. It is not a simple hybrid of Chinese and Western painting art, but a special development of oil painting art in China. Its inner core is the spirit of oriental culture in China, and the external form has some formal languages of western painting art. It is different from Chinese painting and different from western oil painting unique aesthetic characteristics. The image thinking in oil painting is not simply oil painting Chinese painting, it inherits the Chinese cultural spirit, national aesthetic psychology, is the manifestation of Chinese cultural tolerance. It represents the typical oriental artistic conception and the influence of the Chinese unique culture on the artists, pursuing a poetic outpouring and spiritual detachment. It does not stick to the description of concrete shapes and colors of objects, but expresses its perception of nature in the art of oil painting in the form of Chinese people's unique whole-hearted taste of nature. The image thinking in the oil painting creation is formed and developed rapidly in the context of Chinese culture. It presents the Chinese native art style under the influence of the Chinese cultural spirit, and blends the Chinese image aesthetics concept into the oil painting art creation. It pays attention to the form of self-expression, the clear taste of image, the occurrence of artistic conception and the transmission of poetic meaning. The expressive technique of freehand brushwork pursues the similarity and non-resemblance in image, which shows the spirit of Chinese culture.


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