本文选题:空寂之美 + 文人画 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper begins with the interpretation of the concept of "emptiness", then excavates and deepens horizontally, then elevates "emptiness" to the level of aesthetic thought, and expounds the ideological source and a series of characteristics of the beauty of emptiness. With the help of the application of Chinese traditional space consciousness in aesthetics, the author continues to understand the expression of the beauty of emptiness in Chinese traditional art works. On the basis of this, through probing into the emergence and development course of Chinese traditional literati painting, the author explores its spiritual core and ideological realm, and makes a brief analysis of the picture characteristics and artistic language of Chinese traditional literati painting. In order to better understand the traditional Chinese literati painting spiritual sustenance and emotional characteristics. Then, the thesis mainly explains the influence of the beauty of emptiness on the traditional Chinese literati painting. The beauty of emptiness brings rich ideological expression and mysterious artistic creation language to the Chinese traditional literati painting. The beauty of emptiness opens a mysterious door for Chinese traditional literati painting. Through the analysis and evaluation of five painters, Wang Wei, Mu Xi, Ni Yunlin, Ba Da Shan Ren and Yun Nan Tian, the different appearances and characteristics of the beauty of emptiness in Chinese traditional literati paintings are enhanced. Finally, combining the cultural theme and development direction of the era, this paper puts forward the important role and positive significance of the beauty of emptiness in the process of contemporary art creation, guiding us to better inherit the tradition and open up innovation. With rich cultural connotation and excellent thoughts, we create more and better works of art which accord with the pursuit of art and the satisfaction of the people.
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