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发布时间:2018-07-18 08:32
【摘要】:岩画作为一种史前艺术形式,在没有文字之前的远古时代,记录着原始先民进行狩猎,,战争等表现民族传统体育的活动形象,为我们探析蒙古族传统体育的起源,演变发展的过程以及蒙古族传统体育文化特征和人文内涵提供了有价值的材料和证据。 本文分为前言,主要内容,总结三个部分。主要阐述了两个方面的内容:一:关于蒙古民族的起源及古代岩画的分析。二:蒙古族传统体育在岩画中展现及特征研究。 本文主要参考了蒙古族起源的历史文献及古代岩画的书籍,以民族传统体育学为基础,运用分析法和总结法为研究方法,使用资料法,文献分析法等研究了展现在岩画中的蒙古族传统体育的特征。 蒙古族传统体育主要以《男儿三艺》为内容。本文分析了蒙古高原的古代岩画上的摔跤,射箭,赛马等图像,通过研究蒙古高原的起源及其人类的起源,论证了岩画中的摔跤,射箭,赛马等图像就是早期蒙古族传统体育的美术学特征。
[Abstract]:As a form of prehistoric art, rock painting, in the ancient times before the absence of characters, recorded the activities of the primitive ancestors in hunting and war, which represented the traditional sports of the nation, and provided us with an analysis of the origin of the traditional sports of the Mongols. The process of evolution and development as well as the characteristics of Mongolian traditional sports culture and humanistic connotation provide valuable materials and evidence. This article is divided into preface, main content, summary three parts. Mainly elaborated two aspects content: one: about the Mongolian nationality origin and the ancient rock painting analysis. Second: Mongolian traditional sports in rock painting show and characteristics research. This paper mainly refers to the historical documents of the origin of Mongolian nationality and the books of ancient rock paintings, based on the traditional national sports, using the method of analysis and summing up as the research method, using the method of data. The characteristics of Mongolian traditional sports displayed in rock paintings were studied by literature analysis. The Mongolian traditional sports mainly take the "Men's three Arts" as the content. This paper analyzes the images of wrestling, archery and horse racing on ancient rock paintings of the Mongolian Plateau. By studying the origin of the Mongolian Plateau and the origin of human beings, this paper demonstrates the wrestling and archery in rock paintings. Horse-racing and other images are the art characteristics of the early Mongolian traditional sports.


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