[Abstract]:The relationship between realistic painting and photographs is essentially different. Photography can provide more valuable information and a camera can be a useful tool. Every artist can find in the photo the impulsive and interesting elements of the image that suit his description. Figurative realistic painting is not a simple description of photographs, how to use photos to make artists' works become classic is a problem to be seriously considered. The artistic style of concrete realistic painting contains the artist's strong emotion, spiritual sustenance and understanding of life, which is realized by the artist's subjective thinking mode and superb technique of the natural world. The work of a realistic artist is a re-creation of photographic material. The purpose of this study is: 1. Analysis of the development of figurative painting and photography. Concretely expound the difference and relation between figurative painting and photo. Through the study of the relationship between the two, the significance of the existence of figurative painting is more clearly recognized.
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