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发布时间:2018-08-05 13:08
【摘要】:本文通过对中国古典园林与意象油画的内在关系的梳理和研究,探究中国古典园林因素引入意象油画创作时给当代意象油画的题材、图式语言、人文内涵及创作观念等带来的影响,将会使我们在当代意象油画的创作中更好的拓展视野、打开思路,丰富创作的元素和手法,同时较好的把握作品的东方文化内涵与东方人文精神,为中国当代意象油画的创作定会提供积极的帮助。 意象油画是在油画民族化的探索下形成的具有中国文化精神内涵的本土艺术形式。本文通过梳理意象油画的由来及发展过程,从而总结出意象油画的的特征和现状。意象是最能体现中国文化精神内涵的词汇,中国艺术从来就不是以写实的方式去把握对象,艺术构思和艺术表达以借景抒情的方式将外部物像与个人情感融合起来传递出物我两忘的境界。意象这种超然物外的境界很自然的转嫁到以意象精神为评判标准的意象油画之上。由于中国一代又一代的油画民族化的实践者们的坚持不懈探索,意象油画取得了令人称赞的成绩,引来国内外越来越多的关注。意象油画发展到今天形成自己的面貌,无论从题材、表现技法、意境空间都有了较明确的特点,可以说通过几代艺术家的努力意象油画成果颇丰。但意象油画独立语言特征在一定程度上也限制它形成更多元化的面貌。特别是在新的时代背景下,当代意象油画的发展需要不断的寻找新的图式语言,丰富意象油画的创作形式,同时当代意象油画的意境空间需要不断的融入新的内涵,当代意象油画的文化空间也需要不断的拓展形成与时代相匹配的新形态。 而中国古典园林是中国文化的宝库,集中的体现出中国的哲学思想、美学追求以及人文精神,承载了中国的传统文化和历史。在中国古典园林中我们不仅能欣赏到园林中美轮美奂的景致,更重要的是在现如今快速发展的时代的大背景下具有积极的重要的意义。现代人面临诸多的社会现代化的问题,例如快节奏的生活方式,过于物质化而匮乏的精神生活、快餐式文化消费、对自然的极度破坏、生存环境的恶化等等。在中国古典园林中我们都能体会到中国古人的人生态度、人生境界、人与自然的关系等等,他们带给我们现代都市人新的人生启示。 同时意象油画与中国古典园林艺术在体现和表达中国文化精神上有非常多的共通和联系之处。所以对中国古典园林艺术因素引入对中国当代意象油画创作的影响的研究和探索,,定会对中国当代意象油画的创作有积极的价值和意义。
[Abstract]:By combing and studying the internal relationship between Chinese classical garden and image oil painting, this paper probes into the theme and schematic language of contemporary image oil painting when Chinese classical garden factor is introduced into the creation of image oil painting. The influence of humanistic connotation and creative concept will enable us to expand our horizons in the creation of contemporary image oil paintings, open our minds and enrich the elements and techniques of creation. At the same time, better grasp the oriental cultural connotation and oriental humanistic spirit of the works, which will provide positive help for the creation of Chinese contemporary image oil painting. Image oil painting is a native art form with the connotation of Chinese culture and spirit formed under the exploration of oil painting nationalization. Through combing the origin and development process of image oil painting, this paper sums up the characteristics and present situation of image oil painting. Image is the word that can best reflect the connotation of Chinese cultural spirit. Chinese art has never grasped the object in a realistic way. Artistic conception and artistic expression combine external images with personal emotions in a lyrical way. The transcendental realm of image is naturally transferred to the image oil painting which is judged by image spirit. Because of the persistent exploration of the nationalized oil painting practitioners from generation to generation in China, image oil painting has made laudable achievements and attracted more and more attention at home and abroad. Image oil painting has developed to form its own face today, whether from the subject matter, performance techniques, artistic conception space has a relatively clear characteristics, it can be said through the efforts of several generations of artists image oil painting has a lot of achievements. But the independent linguistic features of image oil painting to some extent also restrict it to form a more diversified face. Especially in the new background, the development of contemporary image oil painting needs to constantly find new schema language, enrich the creative form of image oil painting, at the same time, the artistic conception space of contemporary image oil painting needs to continuously incorporate new connotation. The cultural space of contemporary image oil painting also needs to expand constantly to form a new form matching with the times. Chinese classical garden is the treasure house of Chinese culture, which embodies Chinese philosophy, aesthetic pursuit and humanistic spirit, and carries Chinese traditional culture and history. In Chinese classical gardens, we can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery in the gardens, but also have positive significance in the background of the rapid development of the times. Modern people are faced with many problems of social modernization, such as fast-paced way of life, excessive material and lack of spiritual life, fast-food cultural consumption, extreme destruction of nature, deterioration of living environment, and so on. In Chinese classical gardens, we can all understand the ancient Chinese life attitude, the realm of life, the relationship between man and nature, and so on. At the same time, there are many similarities and connections between image painting and Chinese classical garden art in embodying and expressing the spirit of Chinese culture. Therefore, the study and exploration of the influence of the factors of Chinese classical garden art on the creation of Chinese contemporary image oil painting will have positive value and significance for the creation of Chinese contemporary image oil painting.


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