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发布时间:2018-08-05 13:35
【摘要】:李可染是中国山水画的代表人物之一,他一生中的山水画从写生到创作有着多重面貌。李可染吸收了传统山水画的精华加以柔和创造,同时借鉴西方绘画的研究把光影运用在画面之中。从李可染山水画中光影表现进行探究并作出总结。共分为四部分: 第一部分考察李可染山水画中光影表现的探索过程,发现其生活渊源受到传统的学习与西方绘画的借鉴,后期在写生中寻求突破、把大自然中的光影通过主观意识表现在画面之中。第二部分解析李可染山水画中光影的艺术特点作为文章主要分析内容。将其分为三部分;即在光影与笔墨的表现力中,对苍润淋漓的墨色做了具体说明。对光影在山水画中的艺术表现展开分为:逆光、倒影、留白的三个支点。同时把光影对色彩的运用展开,做出了具体分析。第三部分是对李可染山水画中光影表现的审美内涵。说明与意境美的突破和与哲学的体现,将二者融合在主题中。从分析李可染晚年作品,在与哲学体现中论述了光影与“澄怀观道”的哲学体现。第四部分对李可染山水画中光影对当代山水画的贡献与意义进行了总结,并指出李可染山水画中光影的继承和发展。引出了李可染山水画中光影对当代画坛的影响。 李可染山水画中光影表现的特征为着手点,,探讨他山水画艺术的个性特征,这也是本文的中心点。全方位研究李可染山水画光影探索,特点,审美内涵,影响的运用以及其蕴藏着深厚内涵和意义。李可染山水画艺术中有着独特个性特征,形成独树一帜的个性风格。李可染通过强烈的表现手法,描绘祖国大好河山。用最大的功力打进去,最大的勇气打出来,从而形成了自己的艺术高峰。
[Abstract]:Li Keran is one of the representative figures of Chinese landscape painting. Li Keran absorbed the essence of traditional landscape painting and created it softly. From the Li Keran landscape painting in the performance of light and shadow to explore and make a summary. It is divided into four parts: the first part investigates the exploration process of the performance of light and shadow in Li Keran landscape painting, and finds that its life origin has been used for reference by traditional learning and Western painting, and in the later stage, it seeks a breakthrough in sketching. Show the light and shadow in nature through the subjective consciousness in the picture. The second part analyzes the artistic characteristics of light and shadow in Li Keran landscape painting as the main content of the article. It is divided into three parts: in the expression of light, shadow and ink, the ink color is described in detail. The artistic expression of light and shadow in landscape painting is divided into three fulcrums: inverse light, reflection and white space. At the same time, the use of light and shadow to color development, made a specific analysis. The third part is the aesthetic connotation of Li Keran landscape painting. The breakthrough of the beauty of artistic conception and the embodiment of philosophy merge the two into the theme. From the analysis of Li Keran's works in his later years, this paper discusses the philosophical embodiment of light and shadow and "clear view of Tao" in the embodiment of philosophy. The fourth part summarizes the contribution and significance of light and shadow in Li Keran landscape painting to contemporary landscape painting, and points out the inheritance and development of light and shadow in Li Keran landscape painting. This paper introduces the influence of light and shadow in Li Keran landscape painting on the contemporary painting world. The characteristics of light and shadow in Li Keran landscape painting are the starting point, and the personality characteristics of his landscape painting art are discussed, which is also the central point of this paper. The study of Li Keran landscape painting light and shadow exploration, characteristics, aesthetic connotation, the use of influence and its deep connotation and significance. Li Keran landscape painting art has a unique personality characteristics, forming a unique personality style. Li Keran portrays the great rivers and mountains of the motherland through a strong expression. With the greatest strength, the greatest courage to beat out, thus forming their own art peak.


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