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发布时间:2018-08-05 17:36
[Abstract]:This paper introduces the change of image theme into the relation of the change of art history, and probes into the inherent law and relation between the theme, the image transfer and the change of art history. The different expression of the same artistic theme in the images in different historical stages and regions, and the different application of the motif, image, theme, cliche etc. make the theme of the image change, but the variation of the theme is actually the change of the theme. To some extent, it leads to the change of art history, such as the different processing of the motif image in different times, because of the different combination of motif, subject matter and image, the theme must change, and this change is the change of theme. The change of theme is an important reason for the change of art history.
【作者单位】: 东南大学艺术学院;东南大学艺术学院艺术理论系;东南大学艺术学博士后流动站;


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