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发布时间:2018-08-06 08:38
【摘要】:中国教育在前行,儿童教育也逐渐被关注,成为每个家庭中的重要问题。而就目前的发展状态来看,孩子的生长发育、智力发展和语言表达与儿童绘本关系紧密,都离不开书籍。儿童的特殊时期,不认识字,只能靠看图来认知,而儿童绘本恰恰是以插画为表现重点,是儿童求知、智力增长发育、对世界认知的重要途径。儿童对语言的理解能力弱,对书中插画比较敏感,所以儿童绘本中插画设计显得尤为重要。儿童心目中的世界是丰富多彩的,儿童的绘本也应该是绚丽多彩、奇特的。这就要求插画师对插画设计的更能打开儿童的心扉,才能唤起孩子们更大的阅读兴趣。因此,本文就从趣味性这一角度,对儿童绘本的插画设计进行了研究,具体言之,本文主要从五个层面进行了构思,并根据其框架进行了深入的论述: 第一部分绪论。对本课题研究的目的以及意义进行了概述。第二部分儿童绘本中插画设计的概念及现状分析。本部分主要探讨的是儿童绘本的概念以及它在幼儿成长中的作用进行论述,为本文研究的主线做好铺垫,同时,本部分还就目前儿童绘本插画设计的优缺点进行了梳理。第三部分儿童绘本中插画设计在趣味方面的创新。本部分结合很多案例,提出了儿童绘本中插画设计的趣味性。设计师在创作儿童绘本中插图的时候,要尊重孩子的天性,更要从本位的角度出发,再结合“视觉”“触觉”这两点,才能达到成功吸引儿童注意力这一目的。从“视觉”的角度来说,主要利用了夸张、拟人、错位的手法来让儿童对画面保持阅读的趣味;从“触觉”的角度来说,则强调儿童对画面进行触摸和互动之后所产生的趣味。第四部分趣味性的插画设计所带来的意义,本部分分两小点阐述了它带来的改变及意义。第五部分结束语。主要对本文研究的情况进行了回顾总结。 总之,,本文对儿童绘本插画设计的现状分析及作用的阐述,其目的在于为儿童绘本插画设计的趣味性的创新以及挖掘提供更多方面的思考,也为我国儿童绘本的振兴做些有益的贡献。
[Abstract]:Education in China is moving forward, and children's education has gradually been concerned, becoming an important issue in every family. In terms of current development, children's growth, intelligence and language expression are closely related to children's picture books, all of which are inseparable from books. Children's special period, do not know the word, can only rely on the picture to recognize, and children's picture is precisely the focus of illustration, is an important way for children to seek knowledge, intellectual growth and development, to the world cognition. Children's ability to understand language is weak and sensitive to illustrations in books, so the design of illustrations in children's picture books is particularly important. The world in children's mind is colorful, children's picture books should be colorful, strange. This requires the illustrator to be more open to children's hearts and minds, to arouse children's greater interest in reading. Therefore, this paper studies the illustration design of children's picture books from the angle of interest. And has carried on the thorough elaboration according to its frame: the first part is introduction. The purpose and significance of this research are summarized. The second part analyzes the concept and present situation of illustration design in children's picture book. This part mainly discusses the concept of children picture book and its role in the growth of children, which lays the groundwork for the main line of this study. At the same time, this part also combs the advantages and disadvantages of the design of children's picture book illustration. The third part is about the innovation of illustration design in children's picture book. Combining with many cases, this part puts forward the interesting design of illustrations in children's picture books. When creating illustrations in children's picture books, designers should respect children's nature and combine the two points of "vision" and "touch" in order to successfully attract children's attention. From the point of view of "vision", it mainly makes use of exaggeration, personification and dislocation to make children keep reading interest to the picture; from the angle of "touch", it emphasizes the interest that children produce after touching and interacting with the picture. The fourth part interesting illustration design brings the significance, this part has two small points elaborated it brings the change and the significance. Conclusion of the fifth part. This paper mainly reviews and summarizes the situation of this paper. In a word, the present situation and function of children's picture book illustration design are analyzed in this paper. The purpose of this paper is to provide more thoughts for the interesting innovation and excavation of children's picture book illustration design. Also for the revitalization of our children's picture book to make some useful contributions.


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