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发布时间:2018-08-06 11:20
【摘要】:艺术源于生活,生活是艺术作品的源头和灵感的发掘地,但是艺术又高于生活,艺术作品是通过生活中提炼,创作出的精华。作为一种艺术形式,写实油画是油画形成和发展过程中的重要组成部分,在世界油画发展史上占有重要地位。我认为每一幅写实油画作品都是对历史更形象的记录,或者可以概括的说是一段历史或者是一个故事等等,所以写实油画和历史有着先天的必然联系。从欧洲历史方面述起,自文艺复兴以来,写实油画历经古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、印象主义等诸多艺术派别而经久不衰,可以说是欧洲油画最主要的表达形式。同时写实油画在中国近现代美术史上也占有重要地位。油画引入中国可以追溯到明清时期,然后又经过了辛亥革命、五四运动、抗日战争、解放战争、“文化大革命”、改革开放直到今天,写实油画一直担当着社会的责任,经受着历史的洗礼。纵观中国写实油画的发展历程,在不同的时代,写实油画都承载了不同的历史使命。在作品表现上,中国油画家们坚持以写实的技法来展现现实题材,用本土化语言,来表现民族精神,使作品具有时代性和中国特色。给写实油画造就一个更加开放的、广阔的、综合的平台。本论文由四章组成: 第一章,浅谈写实油画的发展历史。这一章由两部分组成:第一节探讨写实油画在世界的发展历史。写实油画作为一门古老的画种,从产生至今已有五百年的历史了,在油画的发展史中,写实油画一直扮演着重要的角色。第二节着重探讨写实油画在中国的发展历史,油画引入中国可以追溯到明清时期,然后又经过了辛亥革命、五四运动、抗日战争、解放战争、“文化大革命”、改革开放直到今天,写实油画一直担当着社会的责任,经受着历史的洗礼。 第二章,着重分析写实油画引入中国并对中国产生深远的影响力,通过案例浅析中国写实油画的艺术长河。每一段时期都有几位杰出的人物出现在艺术的领域里,他们就像星星一样点亮了整个艺术空间。此章节是本文的重点,这一章由四小节组成。从第一节到第四节以时间顺序或画家语言特点为线索,略举了几位中国当代写实油画家。从本质上讲,写实油画之所以能在中国扎根并被广大群众所接受,离不开几代写实油画家们的努力。所以我以每段时期中国优秀写实油画家为线索,来分析中国写实油画的历史及对各个时期的影响力。 第三章,对我的创作作品《旅途》的阐释。分别从创作背景、造型方面、以及色彩对比方面、画面空间效果以及情感的方面做了讲解。 第四章,中国当代写实油画的最新状态和发展综述。这一章由两小节组成。第一节,写实油画发展前景。第二节,写实油画存在的弊端,讨论了在当前艺术多元化的时代,写实油画所面临的各种各样的问题。
[Abstract]:Art originates from life, and life is the source and inspiration of art works, but art is higher than life. As an art form, realistic oil painting is an important part of the formation and development of oil painting, and plays an important role in the development of oil painting in the world. I think every realistic oil painting is a more vivid record of history, or can be said to be a history or a story and so on, so realistic oil painting and history have a innate relationship. From the aspect of European history, since the Renaissance, realistic oil painting has experienced many artistic schools such as classicism, romanticism, realism, impressionism and so on, which can be said to be the most important expression form of European oil painting. At the same time, realistic oil painting also occupies an important position in the modern art history of China. The introduction of oil painting into China can be traced back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, and then through the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the War of Resistance against Japan, the War of Liberation, the "Cultural Revolution." until today, realistic oil paintings have been shouldering social responsibilities. Endure the baptism of history. Throughout the development of realistic oil painting in China, in different times, realistic oil painting has carried different historical missions. In terms of the performance of the works, the Chinese oil painters insist on realistic techniques to show the realistic subject matter, use the native language to express the national spirit, and make the works have the characteristics of the times and Chinese characteristics. To realistic oil painting to create a more open, broad, comprehensive platform. This thesis consists of four chapters: the first chapter, the development history of realistic oil painting. This chapter consists of two parts: the first section discusses the development history of realistic oil painting in the world. As an ancient painting, realistic oil painting has a history of 500 years since it came into being. In the history of oil painting, realistic oil painting has been playing an important role. The second section focuses on the history of the development of realistic oil painting in China. The introduction of oil painting can be traced back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, then through the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the War of Resistance against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the "Cultural Revolution". Reform and opening up to today, realistic oil painting has been bearing the social responsibility, withstanding the baptism of history. The second chapter focuses on the introduction of realistic oil painting into China and has a profound influence on China, and analyzes the art of realistic oil painting in China through a case study. At each time, several outstanding figures appeared in the field of art, who lit up the whole art space like stars. This chapter is the focus of this paper, this chapter consists of four sections. From the first section to the fourth section, with the clue of time sequence or painter's language characteristics, several contemporary Chinese realistic oil painters are briefly mentioned. In essence, the reason why realistic oil painting can take root in China and be accepted by the masses can not be separated from the efforts of several generations of realistic oil painters. So I analyze the history and influence of Chinese realistic oil painting in every period. The third chapter, the interpretation of my creative work, Journey. Respectively from the creative background, modeling, and color contrast, screen space effect and emotional aspects of the explanation. The fourth chapter, the Chinese contemporary realistic oil painting's newest state and the development summary. This chapter consists of two sections. The first section, realistic oil painting development prospects. In the second section, the disadvantages of realistic oil painting are discussed.


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2 陈燮君;;中国当代写实油画的文化演绎[J];中国油画;2007年01期

3 靳尚谊;;谈油画研修班的教学[J];中国油画;2009年03期

4 王沂东;;我和油画的缘分[J];中国油画;2009年06期




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