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发布时间:2018-08-07 09:14
[Abstract]:This article focuses on the innovation and transformation of the painting language of Contemporary Meticulous figure painting, and on this basis expounds and summarizes the new style and new appearance in the painting language, the expression of thinking, and further insight into the deeper cultural connotation of the painter's style and artistic character in the painting language. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part is a macroscopic review of the present situation of the contemporary Chinese character painting after the founding of the new China from the historical point of view, and classifies the representative works of the meticulous figure painting roughly and leads to the point of view in this article - the innovation of the painting language of Contemporary Meticulous figure painting; the second part is from the painting. Starting with the producing factors of language innovation, the author emphasizes the influence of the subjective and objective factors of multicultural integration and the artist's ontology thinking on the innovation of painting language. The third part focuses on the performance of the painting language innovation on the basis of the former chapter, mainly focusing on the form language, the painting technique and the art of painting. The innovation of the three aspects of the concept of painting is summarized and reviewed. The fourth part summarizes the full text. The author thinks that the innovation of the painting language is related to the culture of the times of the painter. As long as the artist understands the importance of the creator and the object's external influence on the art, the painting language can be used for the purpose of drawing the painting language. The study of this subject is helpful to the value judgment and the effective grasp of the author's unique painting language, and it can also provide an experience reference for the theoretical researchers, which has important realistic meaning.


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