[Abstract]:The south of the colorful clouds is the temple in the minds of many artists. Many intoxicating paintings come from painters who have visited Yunnan. The minority figure paintings which the painters Sun Jiandong and Chen Yongle are good at embody the characteristics of Yunnan style represented by the strong Yunnan style and the local minority characteristics. And the two creative materials are unique to Yunnan minority Dai, this authentic "Yunnan flavor", let people unforgettable, memorable aftertaste. This paper attempts to analyze the respective artistic tracks of Sun Jiandong and Chen Yongle, and further expound from the lines, colors, composition, characters and other aspects that their artistic tracks lead to different styles of painting, that is, different aesthetic orientations. With the analysis of the works of the two painters and the partial comparison of their works, they can appreciate their exquisite painting skills and painting styles. The two painters' artistic experience tells us that only a healthy aesthetic concept can be maintained. With a positive attitude towards life, we can create good works, be recognized by the broad masses of people, and stand the test of the times. At the same time, it also provides some reference materials for many painters and theorists who are interested in exploring the new expression of minority figure painting.
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