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发布时间:2018-08-07 18:08
[Abstract]:In the late Yuan Dynasty and the change of the Yuan and Ming dynasties, the right of literary and artistic discourse was transferred from the master's house to the local cultural elite with gentry as the main body in the south of the Yangtze River. Yang Weizhen represented by Gao Shi's poetry has the tendency of love, talent and curiosity. His unruly talent and Xiao Sanqi's leisurely spirit are fully reflected in the creation of calligraphy and painting poems. Further contributed to the poetry and painting art in the intertextuality of the depth of integration. "Yushan elegant Collection" hosted by Gu Ying has attracted a lot of talented and talented people in rhyme, they have learned the natural vitality in the idle and quiet view, and enjoy the poetic residence in the "self-entertainment" activities. It promotes the aesthetic taste and entertainment value of literature and art. In the activity of Yushan elegant collection, the popularity of rhyme and theme collection reflects the aesthetic pursuit of the reclusive culture of the gentry in the southern part of the Yangtze River, the interweaving of the true temperament and the elegant spirit, the agitation of the light and deep mood and the Gaoqi feelings, which not only enriches the poetic thoughts of the Yuan Dynasty, but also reflects the aesthetic pursuit of the seclusion culture of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. It also increases the charm of calligraphy and painting and garden art.
【作者单位】: 南开大学文学院;


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