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发布时间:2018-08-08 15:50
【摘要】:表现主义流派始于20世纪初的西方国家,如瑞士、法国、奥地利及德国,而表现主义绘画真正的温床是在德国,如20世纪初德国最具代表性的《桥社》和《青骑士》艺术家联盟的出现,二战是表现主义绘画与新表现主义绘画的一个分水岭,二战结束后,新表现主义绘画崛起。表现主义绘画强调个人主观情感的直接表达,而二战结束后新表现主义绘画崛起,这一代表现主义画家,他们承载着文化复新与民族崛起的使命,直视二战带来的毁灭性的创伤,直接以二战作为绘画题材,对人性和历史进行了探讨和反思,是对表现主义绘画的延续和拓展,在当下,德国新表现主义绘画已成为国际化的一大绘画支流。 本文从对表现主义绘画作为脉络来说起,以《姿态》、《火伐》、《头》系列绘画作为文章重点来书写。第一部分对表现主义绘画做简单陈述;第二部分是对表现主义绘画的学习和启发后的绘画创作,是《火伐》系列的创作体验的陈述;第三部分是对表现主义绘画的学习为背景,结合《头》系列绘画创作者个人的生活情感体验和绘画创作感受进行分析和总结;第四部分是承前启后的章节,是对《姿态》系列作品的解读与探索;最后的结语部分是我整个绘画脉络的反思与总结:《姿态》、《火伐》、《头》系列绘画,多受德国新表现主义流派的影响,同时吸纳中国写意画思想精髓,以致绘画最后呈现出的效果是书写性强的、张扬的。在创作者不断从表现主义流派和中国写意画中不断学习的过程中,系列绘画呈现的几个阶段是:《火伐》寂寥、空旷,是生命的完结,是生命完结之后悲情的燃起;《头》是焦灼,苦情的写照,是宏大与悲壮挤压之下的顽抗的生命个体的呈现;《姿态》里的身体扭动着,似乎与命运、痛苦、毁灭做着亢奋而无耐的挣扎;《纸本集》里有着对三个大的主题的探索性思考,同时又是相对独立的,自成体系的,方法上有的以笔触的不断重复和交织,来达到一种复杂化的画面效果,有的用笔简练,单线勾勒,有的借助笔墨晕染,其结果都是想要达成表达上的多元和独立。总的来说,《火伐》、《头》《纸本集》、《姿态》系列绘画作品是无主题性的、冲动的、直接的、延续的、直觉的。手法上采取直接书写的方式,一气呵成,呈现一种开放的,可能的一种画面效果。
[Abstract]:Expressionism began in the early 20th century in Western countries such as Switzerland, France, Austria and Germany, and the real hotbed of expressionist painting was in Germany. For example, in the early 20th century, the most representative German "Bridge Society" and "Green Knight" artists union appeared, World War II is a watershed between Expressionist painting and New Expressionist painting. After World War II, Neo-Expressionism painting rose. Expressionism painting emphasizes the direct expression of individual subjective emotion. After the end of World War II, the new Expressionist painting rose, and this generation of Expressionist painters, they bear the mission of cultural renewal and national rise. Looking directly at the devastating trauma caused by World War II and taking World War II as the subject matter of painting, the author discusses and reflects on human nature and history, which is the continuation and expansion of expressionist painting, and in the present, German new expressionism painting has become an international branch of painting. From the perspective of expressionist painting, this paper focuses on "posture", "fire cutting" and "head > series of paintings." The first part is a simple statement of Expressionism painting; the second part is the study of Expressionism painting and the inspired painting creation, which is a statement of the creative experience of the series of Expressionism; the third part is the background of the study of Expressionism painting. The fourth part is the chapter of connecting with the past and the future, which is the interpretation and exploration of the series of paintings. The last part of the conclusion is a reflection and summary of my whole painting context: posture, Fire Expedition, and head series paintings, mostly influenced by the German neo-expressionist schools, and at the same time absorbing the essence of Chinese freehand painting. So that the final effect of painting is written, publicity. In the process of the creators constantly learning from the expressionist school and the Chinese freehand brushwork, the several stages of the series paintings are: "Fire cutting" is lonely, empty, is the end of life, is after the end of life ignited the sad feelings; "head" is the portrayal of anxious, bitter feelings, it is the appearance of the obstinate individual under the pressure of grandeur and grief; the body in "posture" wriggles as if with fate, with pain, with destruction, with excitement and no enduring struggle; The anthology of paper contains exploratory thinking on three major themes, and at the same time it is relatively independent and self-contained. Some of the methods are repeated and intertwined with strokes to achieve a complicated picture effect, and some are concise with brushes. Single-line outline, some with the help of ink, the result is to achieve diversity and independence on the expression. In general, the series of paintings are thematic, impulsive, direct, continuous and intuitive. A direct writing method is used to present an open and possible picture effect.


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