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发布时间:2018-08-08 18:51
【摘要】:实验动画创作中的象征语言研究是动画本体的自我需求。象征语言合理的应用在实验动画中,会将实验动画中简短而立意深刻的内涵信息传达的更为之形象准确。一部实验动画的创作不仅仅是经过角色互动、脚本设计等环节的协调合作,更重要的是能否在有限时间内将故事主题中心思想以及作者的个人内涵完整表达出来。象征语言的应用会不断提高创作者的创作理性思维,同时也为他们的理论研究范围拓展了无限的空间。实验动画是在现代高度发达的物质文明基础上兴起的一种艺术门类。它虽然历史短暂,是年轻的艺术,,然而发展速度却很快。实验动画在发展过程中,还吸收和融汇了相关艺术门类的多种元素,创造出以镜头画面讲解和描写、以声画结合、镜头组接成为一种新形式的艺术范例。它一经问世,变风靡全球,成为一种有影响力的艺术。这种艺术是一种特殊的传达语言的方式,创造了一种空间与时间、视觉与听觉、表现与再现并存的艺术风格。 实验动画创作中应用的象征语言,属于人的精神层面的最高神秘领域,而象征语言所存在的领域层面承载地思想是多维的,是从抽象到具体互融地一种文化塑造过程。实验动画创作中的象征语言思维原创性和美学思想延续性探索,会更好的指引观众接受这来源于生活的象征体,从中感受实验动画作品中的丰富人文内涵和独特意境魅力。
[Abstract]:The study of symbolic language in experimental animation creation is the self-demand of animation ontology. The reasonable application of symbolic language in experimental animation will convey the brief and profound intension information of experimental animation more accurately. The creation of an experimental animation is not only through the role interaction, script design and other links of coordination and cooperation, more important is whether the theme of the story and the author's personal connotation can be fully expressed in a limited time. The application of symbolic language will continuously improve the creative rational thinking of creators, and at the same time expand the infinite space for their theoretical research. Experimental animation is a kind of art category rising on the basis of modern highly developed material civilization. Although it has a short history and is a young art, it develops rapidly. In the course of the development of experimental animation, it also absorbs and merges various elements of relevant art categories, and creates a new form of art model, which is explained and described by lens screen and combined with sound and painting. Once it came out, it became popular all over the world and became an influential art. This art is a special way to convey language, creating a space and time, vision and hearing, expression and reproduction of the coexistence of art style. The symbolic language used in the creation of experimental animation belongs to the highest mysterious field of the spiritual level of human beings, while the thought of the domain level of symbolic language is multidimensional, and it is a cultural shaping process from abstraction to concrete integration. The original thinking of symbolic language and the exploration of continuity of aesthetic thought in the creation of experimental animation will better guide the audience to accept the symbolism from life and experience the rich humanistic connotation and unique artistic conception charm in the experimental animation works.


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1 潘黎勇;;精英文化在大众文化时代的生存策略[J];淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版);2005年05期

2 席田鹿,常虹;关于艺术性动画片的访谈[J];美苑;2002年02期




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