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发布时间:2018-08-09 10:00
【摘要】:刘勃舒是徐悲鸿先生门下最年轻、也足最后一位弟子,是当代国内外画坛享有盛誉的画马名家。其师徐悲鸿笔下的马,是爱国主义精神的体现,代表了中国人民奋起反抗的不屈精神。在当代,刘勃舒师承徐悲鸿,不但在画马的形式美上有所继承,而且在创作技法上也有所突破,在思想、造型、笔墨、构图等多方面均有所继承与发展。在笔墨技法上用笔老练、潇洒,造型夸张、灵活,组合既随意但又严谨,画面高雅脱俗、刚劲有力,既有形式方面的美感,又有内容方面的豪气与厚重。在人们日益增长的物质文化生活中,更加符合当代人们的审美追求,更富有观赏性和时代感。刘勃舒在当代众多以马为题材的画家中独树一帜,既徐悲鸿开创了画马历史的新时代之后,在当代,刘勃舒的马成为又一个新的时代高峰。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分为前言,包括研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究的内容与方法、解决的问题与创新之处;第二部分为刘勃舒艺术经历,包括生平概述、师承探源;第三部分为刘勃舒与徐悲鸿画马之比较分析,包括主要艺术思想比较分析、艺术风格之比较分析,其中又包括造型比较、笔墨比较、构图比较;第四部分为刘勃舒画马艺术的意义及影响。 本文的写作建立在大量相关的当代研究资料、文史材料和图像资料的基础上,运用作品风格分析、举例对比法和综合分析的方法。从社会背景、艺术渊源、绘画特色,运用作品风格特征分析的方法进行理论实践研究;利用举例对比法,举例具体的绘画作品作为有力论据,对比名家间的异同点,归纳出刘勃舒绘画艺术的风格特点;利用综合分析法分析了刘勃舒绘画艺术对当代的影响等。 本文的创新之处在于首先以对徐悲鸿与刘勃舒的鞍马作品比较为创新点,首次对其二人的作品进行了相近的比较;其次本文从思想、造型、笔墨、构图等多方面入手,具体分析了刘勃舒画马艺术的风格特点及其意义影响;填补了之前关于刘勃舒绘画艺术研究体系的空白,使现有研究更加详尽、梳理与具体;同时也是对当代鞍马艺术研究的补充与完善。 本文立足大量相关文字资料与图像资料,从思想、造型、笔墨、构图等方面对徐悲鸿与刘勃舒的鞍马绘画作品进行了译尽的比较,具休分析了刘勃舒鞍马绘画作品的风格特点,填补了目前关于刘勃舒鞍马绘画作品分析的空白,揭示了在当代画坛的意义及影响,为今后中国鞍马绘画发展提供有益的参考。
[Abstract]:Liu Boshu is the youngest and the last disciple of Mr. Xu Beihong and a famous contemporary painting horse artist at home and abroad. The horse written by Xu Beihong is the embodiment of patriotism and represents the unyielding spirit of the Chinese people. In the contemporary era, Liu Boshu inherits Xu Beihong, not only inherits the formal beauty of horses, but also has a breakthrough in creative techniques, and inherits and develops in many aspects, such as thought, modeling, pen and ink, composition and so on. In pen and ink techniques with a pen sophisticated, chic, exaggeration, flexibility, combination is both random but rigorous, the picture is elegant and free from vulgarity, strong and powerful, both formal sense of beauty, but also the content of the magnificent and heavy. In people's growing material and cultural life, more in line with the aesthetic pursuit of contemporary people, more appreciative and contemporary sense. Liu Boshu is unique among many contemporary equestrian painters. After Xu Beihong started a new era of horse painting, Liu Boshu's horse becomes another new era peak. This article is divided into four parts, the first part is the preface, including the research significance, the domestic and foreign research present situation, the research content and the method, the solution question and the innovation place, the second part is the Liu Boshu artistic experience, including the life history outline, the teacher studies the origin; The third part is the comparative analysis of Liu Boshu and Xu Beihong, including the comparative analysis of the main artistic ideas, the comparative analysis of artistic style, including the comparison of modeling, the comparison of pen and ink, and the comparison of composition; The fourth part is the significance and influence of Liu Boshu painting horse art. This paper is based on a large number of relevant contemporary research materials, literary and historical materials and image materials, using work style analysis, examples and comprehensive analysis of the method. From the social background, the artistic origin, the painting characteristic, uses the work style characteristic analysis method to carry on the theory practice research, uses the example contrast method, examples concrete painting works as the powerful argument, contrasts the similarities and differences between the famous artists, This paper sums up the style characteristics of Liu Boshu painting art and analyzes the influence of Liu Boshu painting art on contemporary art by comprehensive analysis method. The innovation of this paper lies in the comparison of the saddle horse works of Xu Beihong and Liu Boshu for the first time, and the comparison of the works of Xu Beihong and Liu Boshu for the first time. This paper analyzes the style characteristics and significance of Liu Boshu painting horse art, fills up the blank of the previous research system of Liu Boshu painting art, makes the existing research more detailed, combing and concrete; At the same time, it is the supplement and perfection of contemporary saddle horse art research. Based on a large number of related text and image materials, this paper makes a comparison between Xu Beihong and Liu Boshu's pommel horse painting works from the aspects of thought, modeling, pen and ink composition, etc., and analyzes the style characteristics of Liu Boshu's pommel horse painting works. It fills up the blank in the analysis of Liu Boshu's painting works, reveals the significance and influence in the contemporary painting world, and provides a useful reference for the development of Chinese pommel horse painting in the future.


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