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发布时间:2018-08-09 15:34
【摘要】:艺术创作与艺术家性格之间的关系,是我这篇论文的主要探讨点。艺术创作作为艺术家的一种行为,是艺术家性格的外延,传达着艺术家的意识形态和心理状态。心理学家弗洛伊德的著作《创作家与白日梦》,就是站在精神分析的角度解释文学与艺术,他的主要观点是“艺术是被压抑的本能的升华的结果”。在我这篇论文里也穿插着弗洛伊德的理论,主要目的是透过这些理论来解释梵高性格与其艺术创作的关系。 本文第一章主要以弗洛伊德和荣格的心理学理论作为切入点,分析了“人格”(个性)的形成阶段和特征。第二章主要是根据弗洛伊德和荣格的理论从四个方面探寻梵高孤僻个性形成的原因。首先,自梵高出生以来,缺乏母爱,成年时,生活又接连不顺,他称自己是“一切的局外人”,这种经历让他的性格孤独怪癖;其次,伴随梵高出生的宗教信仰,本是他的精神寄托,但是宗教的规矩和形式性的规则与他对上帝的虔诚和狂热格格不入,这也使他的内心更加孤独,最终和宗教决裂,艺术成了他的另一寄托;第三,梵高爱情的屡次失败,打击他自信心的同时也让他缺乏安全感。这种失败和梵高自己的性格分不开,梵高个性偏执、怪癖,在爱情面前过于激烈和执着,但又缺乏承担责任的能力,失败是显而易见的事情。他在以后的绘画中渴望这种相伴的情侣关系,他笔下的《老情侣》就是例子,他们相依相伴,但却总略带忧伤;最后从他的艺术渊源探究他艺术变化发展的过程。 文章最重要的一部分是分析梵高绘画的艺术意蕴和他性格之间的关系。首先,他自出生就无法摆脱的宗教情怀让他的作品具有一种宗教性,这种宗教性被学者称为“不是宗教画的‘宗教画’”;其次,梵高的痛苦经历让他的画具有一定的哀伤性,这种哀伤性,梵高自己称之为“深沉的悲痛”,,本文主要从他的人物画和自然景物两个方面来体现他的哀伤性;第三,从梵高的孤寂心性来解析他的“疯狂”的色彩,对梵高来说激烈的色彩就是最震撼的呐喊,表达出内心的压抑。梵高曾经说:“我越是年老丑陋、令人讨厌、贫病交加,越要用鲜艳华丽、精心设计的色彩为自己雪耻。”第四,从梵高“狂躁”的心理来找寻他的笔触跃动的原因,梵高的笔触有自己很强的特性,有自己独特的审美价值;最后,总结梵高“孤僻”个性与其艺术感染力之间的关系。 文章的最后,是从梵高绘画中所得到的体会,主要分为三个部分。首先,潜意识作为艺术创作的内在动力,激发着艺术的创作灵感并影响着艺术家的直觉思维;其次,艺术家善于用多种手法在画面中加强情感表达,情感表达是艺术家创作过程中不可或缺的因素。梵高的作品中,最突出的特点就是毫无掩饰的倾注着他的所有对生活的感受,表达着他最真挚的感情;第三,“痛苦体验”制约着艺术家的性格影响着艺术创作,个体每个成长阶段的经历都会影响着其人格特征,痛苦经历更是像一根炭笔,在性格特征中留下深深的画痕,尤其是艺术家,在之后的艺术表达中,总是会不经意的流露出这种痕迹。
[Abstract]:The relationship between artistic creation and the character of the artist is the main point of my thesis. As an act of the artist, artistic creation is the extension of the artist's character and conveys the artist's ideology and psychological state. The works of psychologist Freud, the creator and daydream, are explained from the perspective of Psychoanalysis. The main point of literature and art is that "art is the result of the sublimation of an oppressed instinct". In my paper, Freud's theory is also inserted, the main purpose of which is to explain the relationship between Van Gogh's character and his artistic creation through these theories.
The first chapter mainly takes Freud and Carl Jung's psychological theory as a breakthrough point to analyze the formation and characteristics of "personality" (personality). The second chapter is mainly based on the theory of Freud and Carl Jung to explore the reasons for the formation of Van Gogh's isolated personality from four aspects. First, since Van Gogh was born, the lack of maternal love, adulthood, and life. He called himself "the outsider of all", and the experience made his character solitude; and then, with the religious belief of Van Gogh, he was his spiritual sustenance, but the rules and formal rules of religion were incompatible with his devotion and fanaticism to God, which made his heart more lonely, and finally, Third, the failure of Van Gogh's self confidence and Van Gogh's own character, Van Gogh's paranoia and quirks, too intense and persistent in the face of love, but a lack of ability to bear responsibility, and the obvious failure is obvious. In his future paintings, he longed for the companionship of the companionship. His writing of the old lovers was an example. They were accompanied by each other, but they were always a little sad; finally, he explored the process of his artistic change from his artistic origin.
The most important part of the article is to analyze the artistic meaning of Van Gogh's painting and the relationship between his character. First, the religious feelings that he can't get out of his birth have made his works a religion, which is called "religious painting" by scholars. Secondly, the painful experience of Van Gogh makes his paintings have one. The sad nature, this kind of sadness, Van Gogh himself called it "deep grief", this article mainly reflects his sadness from two aspects of his figure painting and natural scenery. Third, from Van Gogh's lonely heart to analyze his "Crazy" color. To Van Gogh, the exciting color is the most shocking cry and expression of the heart. Van Gogh once said: "the more I am old and ugly, disagreeable, poor and ill, the more you want to use bright and gorgeous, carefully designed color for his own shame." fourth, from Van Gogh's "manic" psychology to find the reason of his strokes, Van Gogh's strokes have their own strong characteristics, their own unique aesthetic value; finally, the general The relationship between Van Gogh's "eccentric" personality and artistic appeal.
The last of the article is from the experience gained in Van Gogh's painting, which is divided into three parts. First, the subconscious is the internal motive force of the artistic creation, arousing the artistic creation inspiration and affecting the artist's intuition thinking; secondly, the artist is good at strengthening emotional expression in the painting surface with various techniques, and the emotional expression is the artist's creation. The most important factor in the process is that in Van Gogh's works, the most prominent feature is the undisguised pouring of all his feelings of life, expressing his most sincere feelings; third, "pain experience" restricts the artist's character to influence artistic creation, and the experience of each individual growth stage affects his personality characteristics. The painful experience is more like a carbon pen, leaving deep marks in the character characteristics, especially the artist, in the later art expression, always unwittingly reveal such traces.


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1 王建军;邓太平;;马蒂斯的绘画艺术之我见[J];数位时尚(新视觉艺术);2011年02期




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