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发布时间:2018-08-14 18:51
[Abstract]:Line is one of the important means of expression in plastic arts, it is a basic factor of visual art image, and it is also the artistic language for artists to create images and express their thoughts and feelings, which has unique aesthetic value. As one of the performance factors of oil painting, it can produce special expressive force. The lines in Van Gogh's works are simple and heavy, showing strong vitality and visual tension. Its originality lies in the free use of line and a technique of combining a great deal of pulsation and shock in the image, which makes the image simple and wild, but still full of poetry. By studying the emotional performance of Van Gogh's paintings of the midline, we should recognize the importance of the line in our ideas, use our hearts to feel the charm of the lines, and develop our individuality in the long term of spiritual perception. Deepen the understanding of the concept of "line" and use it artistically in practice.
【作者单位】: 佳木斯大学美术学院;


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