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发布时间:2018-08-19 06:05
【摘要】:花鸟画有着悠久的历史传统,独立成科于唐中后期。自宋,文人画兴起,出现了以梅兰竹菊为代表题材的写意墨笔花鸟画,发展至明清时期,写意花鸟画达到高峰期,一时名家辈出。 本文围绕毕业创作《和风》,对如何提升写意花鸟画的创作能力,进行了比较研究,主要从以下方面进行写作: 一、梳理写意花鸟画悠久的历史传统。 二、分析历代名家以荷花为题材的写意作品,其中重点对张大千、周思聪、易图境的作品作了借鉴吸收,使《和风》的创作得到很好的启发: 1、立足传统,突破传统。各名家的造型立意,笔墨方法等都各不相同,了解他们,才能比较自身实践的价值与意义,才能有针对性地进行研究;了解传统,但不能被传统桎梏,又要学会突破传统,形成自家面貌。 2、笔墨当随时代。笔者认为,要笔墨当代化,先要观念当代化,然后兼容并蓄、推陈出新,只有充分把握当代的文化特点、艺术审美,才有可能创造出新的笔墨形式。 3、体验生活,提升心性。笔墨是外在的载体,生活是艺术的源泉。体验生活、感悟生活,目的在养气,养胸中之浩然之气,状物写心,作品才能富有感染力。 三、《和风》创作的过程 创作过程是一个整合的过程,把传统与现代、物象与意象、笔墨与结构等各个因素在实践中完美地组织起来,并面对随时出现的问题,这是一种考验。 首先,笔者深入挖掘荷花的意象表达,形成心与物融的造型意象。这个过程应是一个诗意的想象过程。笔法、墨法都融入了意象之中,能不能丰富造型?能不能心与物融?许多偶然的效果时时带来的刺激?如何处理好这些关系,变成了我创作过程要面对的重要课题。 其次,在笔墨方面,当今的社会环境束缚了我们的笔墨能力,寻找新的笔墨语言应该成为一个课题。在《和风》的笔墨过程中,我在墨中加胶,促使了水与墨之间更好的融合,有利于点、线、而之问的组织关系,这是一次尝试。 本文是围绕毕业作品而写的一篇创作体会。笔者认为,创作应从生活中提炼自我的心性需求,从传统中寻求笔墨语言的突破方法,进而提炼造型意象,逐步形成自己的绘画风格。
[Abstract]:Flower and bird painting has a long history tradition, independent in the late Tang Dynasty. Since Song Dynasty, the literati painting rose, appeared with Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum as the representative subject matter, developed to the Ming and Qing dynasties period, freehand brushwork and bird painting reached its peak period, and a great number of famous scholars appeared. In this paper, the author makes a comparative study on how to improve the creative ability of freehand brushwork, mainly from the following aspects: first, combing the long historical tradition of freehand brushwork flower-and-bird painting. Secondly, it analyzes the freehand brushwork of the famous scholars in the past dynasties, in which the works of Zhang Daqian, Zhou Sicong and easy-picture are used for reference, so that the creation of "Hefeng" is well inspired: 1, based on tradition, Break through tradition. The styling ideas and pen and ink methods of the famous scholars are all different. Only by understanding them can we compare the value and significance of our own practice, study them in a targeted way, understand the tradition, but not be shackled by the tradition, and learn to break through the tradition. Form your own face. 2, pen and ink should follow the times. The author believes that in order to make ink and pen contemporary, we should first have a contemporary concept, then embrace the old and bring forth new ideas. Only when we fully grasp the characteristics of contemporary culture and appreciate the beauty of art, can we create a new form of painting and ink. 3, and experience life. Elevate the mind. Ink is the external carrier, life is the source of art. Experience life, the purpose of life, in order to nourish the spirit of the chest, writing heart, works can be infectious. Third, the process of creation is a process of integration. Traditional and modern, image and image, ink and pen, structure and other factors are perfectly organized in practice and faced with problems that arise at any time. This is a test. First of all, the author deeply excavates the lotus image expression, forms the heart and the material fusion modelling image. This process should be a poetic imagination process. Stroke, ink into the image, can enrich the shape? Can your heart melt with things? A lot of occasional effects that are always exciting? How to deal with these relationships has become an important subject that I have to face in my creative process. Secondly, in the aspect of pen and ink, today's social environment restricts our ability of pen and ink, so finding new language of pen and ink should become a subject. In the process of painting and ink in Hefeng, I added glue to the ink, which promoted the better integration of water and ink, which was favorable to the organizational relationship between points and lines, and this was an attempt. This article is a creative experience written around graduation works. The author believes that creation should refine the inner needs of oneself from the life, seek the breakthrough method of pen and ink language from the tradition, and then refine the modeling image and gradually form one's own painting style.


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