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发布时间:2018-09-02 06:16
【摘要】:儿童画是人在身心发展早期阶段的基础上创作出的具有独特魅力的绘画作品。它源自人在儿童时期对生活的感受和体验,体现了他们对美的敏感性以及对周围事物的观察力,因此,尽管有技术上的不成熟、不完整等缺陷,但作为一种绘画形态还是受到很多重视。尤其是二十世纪心理学得到极大发展以来,儿童画受到越来越多人的关注,在现代艺术大师的绘画作品中,我们能很容易的发现现当代艺术大师从儿童画中汲取的灵感和启发。本文通过研究儿童画中的绘画语言与现代绘画中的相关联系,发现现代绘画中带有很多作品都是借助儿童的视角进行构思,将儿童绘画思维与语言、技艺相融合以表现画家的内心世界。因为儿童画可以使画家回归事物的本真,发现平时所不注意的美好世界而备受启发。因此儿童绘画语言应用在现代绘画中,能够启发艺术家的创作灵感,对于油画创作具有重要的启示。 本文试图通过对以下几点问题探讨。首先,着重介绍了儿童画的概念与界定范围,表达方式特点以及儿童画与成人绘画的区别等。其次,分析儿童绘画语言在现代绘画中的运用,主要以几位现代派大师为例进行分析,,初步探究了这一现象产生的原因及艺术家吸收借鉴儿童画所要表达的深刻内涵,并归纳现代绘画中童趣作品的共同点,对儿童画与现代绘画的区别和联系进行具体分析。最后揭示研究儿童绘画与当今油画创作的相关性,儿童绘画对当代中国油画创作的启示主要有情感表达方式的启示,创作心态的启示以及绘画风格的启示。因此阐述儿童绘画语言在现代绘画中的运用,对儿童画和现代绘画的研究就具有了现实意义。
[Abstract]:Children's painting is a unique charming painting which is created on the basis of the early stage of physical and mental development. It derives from people's feelings and experiences of life as children, reflecting their sensitivity to beauty and their observation of the things around them, and therefore, despite technical immaturity and imperfections, However, as a form of painting or a lot of attention. Especially since the great development of psychology in the 20th century, children's paintings have been paid more and more attention. In the paintings of modern masters, we can easily find the inspiration and inspiration of modern and contemporary masters of art from children's paintings. By studying the relationship between painting language in children's painting and modern painting, this paper finds that many works in modern painting are conceived with the help of children's visual angle, and the thinking and language of children's painting are put forward. The art merges to express the artist's inner world. Children's painting can bring the painter back to the truth and discover the beautiful world that is not paid attention to. Therefore, the application of children's painting language in modern painting can inspire artists' creative inspiration, which has important inspiration for oil painting. This paper attempts to discuss the following problems. First of all, the paper introduces the concept and definition of children's painting, the characteristics of expression and the difference between children's painting and adult painting. Secondly, it analyzes the application of children's painting language in modern painting, mainly takes several modernist masters as an example, and probes into the causes of this phenomenon and the profound connotation that artists absorb and learn from children's paintings. The common points of children's interesting works in modern painting are summarized, and the difference and relation between children's painting and modern painting are analyzed concretely. Finally, it reveals the relevance between children's painting and contemporary oil painting. The inspiration of children's painting to contemporary Chinese oil painting mainly includes the inspiration of emotional expression, the inspiration of creative mentality and the inspiration of painting style. Therefore, the application of children's painting language in modern painting is of practical significance to the study of children's painting and modern painting.


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