[Abstract]:Painting space is a kind of dynamic subjective space for artists to understand the nature. Through the self-processing of artists, it conveys the ideal "second world" in their hearts. Such space conveys not only the objective form of nature, It is also the theme spirit and aesthetic interest of the painter. Chinese traditional meticulous figure painting has a long history, it is the attention of the world with its unique aesthetic value. In the aspect of space expression, the fine brushwork figure painting presents two-dimensional, planar space through the painting method of scattered point perspective. This is essentially different from the three-dimensional space presented by the Western focus perspective. Such a space is the artist's all-around grasp of the natural object image, which is independent of the passive reproduction of the object image space, and is compatible with the pursuit of the object itself. The unity of man and self-heating is expressed in the purpose space, which shows the concern of the painter's ontology to the life of all things in the universe, and the emotion of the painter expressing the inner emotional world and pursuing the unity of the material and self This paper adopts the method of legend analysis and analyzes and studies the problems in the space expression of traditional meticulous figure painting with the combination of Qiu Ying's works Hangong Chun Xiao Picture. The first part of the paper explains the definition and expression of painting space. The second part starts from "Han Gong Chun Xiao Picture", and combines the traditional fine brushwork figure painting representative works, separately from the picture fluidity, the overlapping relation, the virtual reality contrast, the spatial organization opposites unification, The construction of the boundary painting in-depth analysis of the traditional meticulous figure painting space performance characteristics. The third part expounds the ideological basis of the space expression of the traditional meticulous figure painting. This chapter mainly starts from the following aspects: "the unity of nature and man", "seeing the small in a big way", "evoking spirit", "the image theory", and the influence of the calligraphy art of Chinese characters. This paper analyzes the inevitability of the formation of the space expression form of fine brushwork figure painting. Finally, summarize the significance of space expression of traditional meticulous figure painting to contemporary meticulous painting creation. Traditional meticulous figure painting has its unique space display technique which conveys a kind of pitching heaven and earth, and has the space form supported by deep philosophy theory system. The traditional meticulous figure painting of this respect universe life consciousness, full of vitality, at the same time full of liquidity, rhythm, multi-point of view of the space in the contemporary painting should be paid more attention to and carry out. At the same time, the Chinese and Western painting language can be reconciled, so as to better express the painter's inner circumstances, that is, to inherit the service of Chinese spatial consciousness, and to make the space expression language of contemporary meticulous painting more attractive.
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