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发布时间:2018-09-07 11:07
【摘要】:在东方文化的体验中,“淡”常与清、雅、虚、静等感觉联系在一起,并在中国画家的审美意趣上处于极高的地位,很多历代山水画大家都追求淡雅、悠远的“虚境”。放在具体画面中说,“淡雅”的画或含蓄古朴,或清新空灵;而放到东方文化的观念中说,“淡雅”思想的形成可以追溯到道、儒思想。老子提出“淡乎其无味”的命题阐述他的美学思想,认为“淡”是“道”最形象的形容表达。庄子对老子思想加以充实,提出“淡然无极而众美从之”这更加深刻的理解,和老子一起形成一套完整的道家美学体系。由孔子肇始的儒家“中和”式的审美理想,追求“文质彬彬”、“尽善尽美”,不提倡夸张刻意之态,也间接地应和了自然和谐,向往韵外之致的审美情趣。 “淡雅”不仅具有美的形式,而且也包涵了美的内容,它涵盖了从含蓄从容的表现画面到冲淡平和的精神状态等多个层次,是经由长期修业、孜孜探索而达成的均衡和谐的状态。然而,很多人误以为“淡雅”指平淡、浅易,它实则有着深厚的内涵,是一种超越的高远境界。不从绚烂而得的平淡天真,未之有也。若没有深厚的文化底蕴和笔墨功力作为保障,不能为之 本文意在通过对“淡”这一美学观念的梳理,从中探寻其美学渊源,并结合绘画实践,层层分析阐述其外在表现形式、内在含义,以及其与笔墨修养的关系。希望借此机与古意会,提升自我的艺术品格和笔墨修养。
[Abstract]:In the experience of oriental culture, the feeling of "light" is always connected with, elegant, empty, quiet and so on, and is in a very high position in the aesthetic interest of Chinese painters. In the concrete picture, the painting of "elegant" is either implicit and simple, or fresh and empty, while in the concept of oriental culture, the formation of "elegant" thought can be traced back to Taoism and Confucianism. Laozi put forward the proposition of "light and dull" to expound his aesthetic thought, thinking that "light" is the most vivid expression of "Tao". Chuang Tzu enriched Laozi's thought and put forward a more profound understanding of "indifferent and endless", and formed a complete set of Taoist aesthetic system together with Laozi. The Confucian aesthetic ideal of "neutralization", which started by Confucius, pursues "good manners", "perfect perfection", does not advocate exaggeration and painstakingly, and indirectly responds to the natural harmony and yearns for the aesthetic interest caused by the outside of rhyme. "elegant" not only has the form of beauty, but also contains the content of beauty. It covers many levels, from the implicit and calm performance screen to the dilute and peaceful state of mind, and it is through long-term study. A state of equilibrium and harmony reached through exploration. However, many people mistakenly think that "elegant" refers to plain, easy, it actually has a profound connotation, is a kind of transcendent high realm. Do not get from the gorgeous plain naive, not there is also. If there is no profound cultural background and pen and ink power as a guarantee, this article is not intended to seek its aesthetic origin through combing the aesthetic concept of "light", and combining with the practice of painting. Layer by layer analysis of its external form, internal meaning, and its relationship with pen and ink cultivation. Hope to take this opportunity and the ancient will, to enhance their artistic character and self-cultivation.


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