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发布时间:2018-09-08 10:01
[Abstract]:Returning to the original state is one of my artistic pursuits. In order to find a breakthrough in watercolor painting, I refer to the literature about children's painting and watercolor art creation, understand the artists who advocate learning from children, study the characteristics and development stage of children's paintings. My close contact with children's paintings, the study of the process of children's paintings, the collection and analysis of children's paintings, which have a lot of inspiration for my artistic creation. Through a series of studies and studies, I found that children pay attention to the emotional experience, self-enjoyment, the pursuit of beauty rather than the pursuit of technology, and have their own unique aesthetic. Also know a little bit of management picture method, and these characteristics are also suitable for the creation of watercolor painting. I divide the children's painting into two parts: one is the revelation in the process of children's painting, the other is the revelation in the children's aesthetic law. In the creative process, the children's painting inspired me to return to childlike, natural, and life. In terms of aesthetic principles, children's paintings give me inspiration for the use of color and the composition of the picture balance.


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