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发布时间:2018-09-08 16:34
【摘要】:中国画里的水,在山水画中表现手法最为丰富多彩,虽然花鸟画中水的表现手法有限,多以“留白”替代,但是细观历代花鸟画名家笔下的水,变化多端,自由多样,同样使人回味无穷。本文通过对历代表现水景意象的花鸟画作品的分析与探究,认为水景表现能够增加花鸟画创作的艺术元素。 第一章从思想渊源上论述了水对中国文化的重要内涵,在传统思想基础上,找出水的文化渊源,水具有无上的人格,画水就是在对人自身情感的一种写照。同时在本章中还探索了水之意象表现之渊源,认为“水”,一直是传统绘画中画家热衷表现的一种意象形态。 第二章着重探究了花鸟画中水的审美表现,分别从风格表现与形态表现两方便来阐述花鸟画中水的审美意趣。在以传情表意为主要表现方式的中国花鸟画中,水一直是画家乐于表现的主题,花鸟画可以蕴含有着丰富的寓意及情感,而水又具有丰富的人格内涵,因此花鸟画中水的表现可以很好的提升作品内在的情感与情调,同时由于水“无常形”这一特色,可以任由画家“随意赋形”来达到作品与主观情感的统一。 第三章从花鸟画创作的角度上,探讨了水的意象表现对于花鸟画创作的拓展性意义。花鸟画经过“文人画”创作方式的滥觞之后,对于笔墨的追求已经到了无可发展的地步,水意象表现却可以给花鸟画创作提供一种置景构图上的新思维,来丰富作品的意境美。并且水在花鸟画中可以作为点线面的任何一种视觉元素来增强作品形式完整性。
[Abstract]:The water in Chinese painting is the most colorful in landscape painting. Although the expression of water in flower-and-bird painting is limited, it is mostly replaced by "white space", but the water in the works of famous flower-and-bird painters in the past dynasties is varied and free. It's just as memorable. Based on the analysis and exploration of the flower-and-bird painting works of the past dynasties, the author thinks that the waterscape performance can increase the artistic elements of the flower-and-bird painting creation. The first chapter discusses the important connotation of water to Chinese culture from the ideological origin, on the basis of traditional thought, finds out the cultural origin of water, water has the supreme personality, drawing water is a portrayal of one's own emotion. At the same time, this chapter also explores the origin of the expression of the image of water, thinking that "water" has always been a kind of image form that painters are keen to express in traditional painting. The second chapter focuses on the aesthetic performance of water in flower and bird painting, respectively from the style performance and form performance to explain the aesthetic interest of water in flower and bird painting. In the Chinese flower-and-bird painting, in which the main way of expression is to convey emotion, water has always been the theme that painters are happy to express. Flower and bird painting can contain rich moral and emotion, and water has rich personality connotation. Therefore, the performance of water in flower-and-bird painting can promote the inner emotion and sentiment of the works very well. At the same time, due to the characteristics of "impermanent form" of water, the painter can be allowed to "form at will" to achieve the unity of the work and subjective emotion. In the third chapter, from the angle of flower-and-bird painting creation, the author discusses the expanding significance of water image expression to flower-and-bird painting creation. After the creation of "literati painting", the pursuit of ink and brush has reached the stage of no development, but the expression of water image can provide a kind of new thinking on the composition of flower and bird painting to enrich the artistic conception of the works. And water can be used as a visual element in flower and bird painting to enhance the formal integrity of the work.


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