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发布时间:2018-09-10 06:52
【摘要】:追根溯源,宋代工笔花鸟画仍然是当下工笔花鸟画临摹、赏鉴的范本。在重温两宋花鸟册页的同时,深入当代生活,创作出既符合时代精神和笔墨语言又能够与古人画镜遥相呼应的当代工笔花鸟作品,使这一古老画科随着时代的发展继续前行,是当下艺术家的使命。“吾国绘事,山水起于玄,花鸟通乎禅”,,禅与玄的奥义总是在水墨中显得神秘。近乎三年的习画经历,探索的眼光从未停滞…… 这样说下去,话题有点远了。回到工笔花鸟画的学科上来,之所以说到当代艺术、跨界等等这些词汇,也是因为工笔花鸟画这一古老画科现今面临着这些问题,当代艺术探寻现代人的复杂心态,表现当下都市生活,信仰和哲学;表现形式和手段、材料上多种多样;画面更加注重内涵、夸张的色彩、时尚和打造艺术家自己的语言形式。那么工笔花鸟画的创作还是一如传统般春桃夏荷,彩蝶游虫,折枝摹写!
[Abstract]:Trace back to the source, the Song Dynasty fine-brush flower-bird painting is still a fine brush painting copy, appreciation of the model. While reviewing the pages of the flowers and birds of the two Song dynasties, they went deep into contemporary life and created contemporary meticulous works of flowers and birds that not only accord with the spirit of the times and the language of pen and ink, but also echo the ancient mirror, so that this ancient painting subject continues to move forward with the development of the times. Is the present artist's mission. "my country painting, mountains and rivers from the metaphysical, flowers and birds linked to Zen", Zen and metaphysical in the meaning of ink is always mysterious. Almost three years of painting experience, the exploration of vision has never stagnated. Going on like this, the topic is a bit far away. Returning to the subject of meticulous flower-and-bird painting, the reason why we talk about such words as contemporary art, crossing the border, and so on, is also because fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, an ancient painting subject, is now facing these problems. Contemporary art explores the complex mentality of modern people. Present urban life, faith and philosophy; forms and means of expression and variety of materials; pictures pay more attention to connotations, exaggerated colors, fashion and create the artist's own language form. So the creation of fine brushwork flower and bird painting is still like the traditional spring peach summer lotus, color butterfly travel insects, folding branches to copy!


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1 启端;;比兴:中国画写意精神之梁柱[J];今日中国论坛;2011年06期




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