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发布时间:2018-09-10 12:40
【摘要】:在消费时代来临的当代社会,艺术早已走下神坛融入大众文化之中。20世纪60年代的波普艺术就已经展现了大众文化与媒体对艺术的影响,并创造出独特的波普艺术语言。奈良美智所代表的新波普艺术承接了60年代的波普艺术的通俗化、流行化的标志性艺术特点。同时,他也将日本独有的民族文化、大众文艺特色与世界新的艺术思潮相融合,创造性的扩大了波普艺术的形式外延,丰富了艺术作品的内涵。他的作品在艺术性与通俗化之间取得了双赢,雅俗共赏,不仅在日本本土得到了肯定,也在国际艺术市场与大众传播之间取得了不俗的成绩。本文结合消费时代的大背景,通过对奈良美智多样艺术形式的通俗化和精神内涵的分析与探讨,从日本当代艺术发展脉络联系到中国当代艺术的发展现状,试图给我们带了新的思考方向,从而对通俗化的内涵具有更深入更立体的理解。文章共分四个部分: 首先,从当代艺术发展的背景入手,来探讨奈良美智艺术通俗化的客观因素。在消费时代的大背景下,艺术通俗化是历史发展的必然的结果,随着消费文化的壮大,经济与文化开始跨国界影响,世界大众文化的差距逐渐减小,大众文化取向逐渐统一,才使奈良美智的艺术在世界范围内得到了普遍的认可。同时,大众审美与艺术有着双向的影响,不仅艺术潮流引领大众的审美取向,,大众文化也反向潜移默化的影响着艺术家。艺术市场对艺术的通俗化起着推波助澜的作用,艺术家在意消费者的反应,如果艺术品中某些通俗化的因素受到了欣赏者的赞誉,那么在艺术品的创作中更会加强这种特性以便在市场中取得好的成绩。 其次,着重探讨奈良美智在艺术实践上的通俗化。奈良美智符号化的漫画式的艺术形象是通俗化的直接表现,他的创作手段不局限于传统的雕塑与绘画,也涉足绘本集、家居创意和商品设计等流行文化。奈良美智的跨界合作对象与领域都与大众文化领域有一定程度的重合,是他艺术通俗化的又一佐证。成功的商业推广塑造出奈良美智具有亲和力的偶像化形象,间接影响了奈良美智在艺术中的通俗化定位。 再次,主要分析奈良美智艺术精神内涵的通俗化。奈良美智的艺术体现着新波普艺术精神,而通俗化正是新波普艺术的主要特征之一。通过与同属日本新波普悍将村上隆的比较更彰显奈良美智的温和、细腻的通俗化。奈良美智作品中的日本本土文化与新表现主义精神的融合,他借用日本动漫形式的外壳,填入日本物哀文化和表现主义精神的内核,创造出在通俗文化与高雅艺术之间取得平衡的艺术品。他作品中正视成人社会的脆弱面与治愈人心灵的功能,这种人文关怀精神都使奈良美智艺术得到大众认可的原因之一。 最后,讨论了奈良美智艺术通俗化给中国当代艺术带来的影响与启示。中日两国在近代以来有着相似的艺术发展历程,相比于中国面对西方艺术的矛盾的态度,日本对西方却有着更为彻底且深入的研究,在国际上逐渐确立了不同于西方的风格特质,并确立了一定的艺术地位。通过对奈良美智艺术的通俗化的立体分析,从而启发我们对当代艺术精神与社会看法的新视角,探索出属于自己的艺术风格。
[Abstract]:The pop art of the 1960s has shown the influence of mass culture and media on art and created a unique pop art language. At the same time, he also integrates the unique national culture of Japan, the characteristics of popular literature and art with the new trend of art in the world, creatively expands the formal extension of pop art and enriches the connotation of art works. Native has been affirmed, and has made great achievements in the international art market and mass communication. This paper, combined with the background of the consumer era, through the analysis and discussion of the popularity and spiritual connotation of Nara's various art forms, tries to give a brief introduction to the development of contemporary art in China from the context of contemporary art in Japan. We have taken a new direction of thinking, so as to have a deeper and more three-dimensional understanding of the connotation of popularization.
First of all, from the background of the development of contemporary art, to explore the objective factors of the popularization of Nara's art of beauty and wisdom. At the same time, Popular Aesthetics and art have two-way influence. Not only the trend of art leads the aesthetic orientation of the masses, but also popular culture has a subtle influence on artists. The art market plays a role in promoting the popularization of art. The artist cares about the response of the consumer. If some of the popular elements in the artwork are praised by the appreciator, this characteristic will be strengthened in the creation of the artwork so as to achieve good results in the market.
Next, it focuses on the popularization of Nara Meizhi's artistic practice. Nara's symbolic cartoon-like artistic image is a direct manifestation of popularization. His creative means are not limited to traditional sculpture and painting, but also involved in popular culture such as picture books, home creativity and commodity design. Both of them coincide with the field of popular culture to a certain extent, which is another proof of his popularization of art.
Thirdly, it mainly analyzes the popularization of Nara's artistic spirit. Nara's art embodies the spirit of New Pop Art. Popularization is one of the main characteristics of New Pop Art. The fusion of Japanese native culture and the spirit of new expressionism, he borrows the shell of Japanese animation form, fills in the core of Japanese materialism culture and expressionism spirit, and creates a work of art that balances popular culture with elegant art. One of the reasons why Yoshitomo Nara's art is widely recognized is his spirit.
Finally, the paper discusses the influence and Enlightenment of the popularization of Nara's art of beauty and wisdom on Chinese contemporary art. China and Japan have similar artistic development course since modern times. Compared with China's attitude toward the contradiction of Western art, Japan has a more thorough and in-depth study of the West, and has gradually established a different world from the West. Through the three-dimensional analysis of the popularization of Nara's art of beauty and wisdom, we can inspire a new perspective on contemporary artistic spirit and social view, and explore our own artistic style.


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6 陈磊;;日本动漫文化与当代新波普艺术[J];装饰;2007年04期




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