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发布时间:2018-09-10 13:44
【摘要】:维米尔是17世纪荷兰伟大的画家,他是一位风俗画家。他的艺术没有在生前享有盛誉,却在死后大放异彩。现在很多人都在追随他,研究他。我们今天所看到的维米尔的资料不多,留下的画经过鉴定真品也只有36幅,而他的借贷、负债记录都远比他的艺术创作记录要多。维米尔画中都是些岁月静好的场景,很难想象他的生活其实很拮据,经常需要用画来换面包。这样一位身在窘境却能创作出让人感到平和、静谧之感的画作的伟大画家着实是个迷。很多人都觉得他的绘画有一种神秘感,看似简单的画面却隐藏着很多东西。 本篇论文就是对维米尔绘画风格特点的一个探索,本文通过五个章节来浅议维米尔的绘画的艺术风格与特点,本文先简单介绍了荷兰画派和维米尔的生平,因为我觉得只谈论绘画没有一个历史人物背景很多东西不好理解,所以先对当时的荷兰与荷兰画派做了概括性的介绍,然后仅对维米尔影响比较大的几个人为线索探寻他的生活状况、艺术生涯。然后针对维米尔的绘画艺术,从画面入手,从绘画题材的平实性、绘画的写实性、画面构图布局、绘画色彩、及对光的运用几方面阐述维米尔绘画的艺术风格与特点。他绘画题材平实普通,他善于捕捉日常生活中的场景,女子操持家务、弹奏乐器、或者思考冥想等等都是他比较喜爱的场景。他善于构图布局,看似朴素自然的格局,其实是精心雕琢、苦心经营的。通过现在的科技手段可以看出他画面的许多改动,而且画面中的事物摆放就是有着其内涵作用的。虽是思考的很多,但最后的效果毫无斧凿之气,反到如天然形成一样。维米尔的绘画是来源生活靠近生活的,他的写实功底深厚,他对静物的描写质感十足、栩栩如生,对环境的描写细腻真实,对人物描写传神生动。他善于用光与色彩,他喜欢蓝色、黄色、红色等等,他的画面色彩鲜明、柔美和谐。他是一位用光大师,对光线的巧妙运用让人深深折服。他利用光线加强画面空间感,通过主观的调整完美画面效果,还有那让人惊叹的高光。维米尔的种种布局、绘画方式使维米尔的绘画成为一首诗。这首诗是一首抒情小诗,讲述着生活的故事优雅宁谧。维米尔的绘画就是这样静静的描述着生活中的一瞬,使之成为永恒。
[Abstract]:Vermeer was a great Dutch painter in the 17 th century. He was a custom painter. His art did not enjoy a high reputation in his life, but he flourished after his death. Now a lot of people are following him and studying him. We don't have much information about Vermeer today, only 36 of his paintings have been identified, and he has a record of borrowing and debt far more than his artistic record. Vermeer painted scenes of quiet years. It was hard to imagine that his life was so tight that he often had to trade it for bread. Such a great painter in a quandary who can create paintings that make people feel peaceful and quiet is a real mystery. Many people think that his paintings have a sense of mystery, seemingly simple picture but hidden a lot of things. This thesis is an exploration of the characteristics of Vermeer's painting style. This paper discusses the artistic style and characteristics of Vermeer's painting through five chapters. First of all, this paper briefly introduces the life of Dutch painting school and Vermeer. Because I think it is difficult to understand the background of only talking about painting without a single historical figure, I first made a general introduction to the Dutch and Dutch painting schools at that time. Then only a few people who had a greater influence on Vermeer sought his life and artistic career for clues. Then, in view of Vermeer's painting art, the artistic style and characteristics of Vermeer's painting are expounded from the aspects of painting theme, realism, picture composition layout, painting color, and the application of light. His subjects are plain, he is good at capturing the scenes of daily life, women do housework, play musical instruments, or meditate, and so on are his favorite scenes. He is good at composition layout, seemingly simple and natural pattern, in fact, carefully carved, painstakingly managed. Through the present scientific and technological means, we can see many changes in his picture, and the things in the picture have its connotation function. Although it is a lot of thinking, but in the end, the effect of nothing chisel, but as natural form. Vermeer's painting comes from life and is close to life. His realistic skills are profound. His description of still life is full of texture and lifelike, the description of environment is exquisite and true, and his description of characters is vivid and vivid. He is good at using light and color, he likes blue, yellow, red and so on. He was a master of light, and his ingenious use of light was impressive. He uses light to enhance the sense of space, subjective adjustment of the perfect picture effect, and that amazing highlight. Vermeer's layout and way of painting made Vermeer's painting a poem. This poem is a lyrical poem, telling the story of life elegant and quiet. Vermeer's painting is such a quiet description of the moment in life, make it eternal.


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1 梁志涛;;在绘画教学中感受色彩[J];大众文艺(理论);2009年06期

2 钟国昌;;维米尔油画的美学意味[J];画刊;2008年10期

3 李建忠;维米尔和他的油画创作[J];洛阳大学学报;2001年03期

4 侯萍;;维米尔和他的色彩世界[J];美术教育研究;2010年06期

5 啸声;维米尔[J];世界美术;1984年02期

6 汪磊;艺术的历史巡礼——维米尔油画作品的赏析[J];上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2001年03期




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