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发布时间:2018-09-10 16:18
【摘要】:儿童形象的制作以及传播,能够投射一个国家在一个时期对儿童的期待、对民众的人文关怀。本文聚焦前十七年时期(1949——966)出现在大众视野中的儿童绘画形象,整理、归纳、分析儿童图像,以作品受众的不同,归纳不同的儿童形象类型,理解图像背后投射的成人话语——以成人作为受众的作品,儿童形象成为成年人表达诉求的符号;以儿童为受众的作品,儿童形象成为教育下一代的榜样;没有明确受众指向的作品,儿童形象是画家寄托真善美的对象。前十七年时期儿童形象通常以零星且不具体的方式影响着社会生活,这些形象的生成既有权利精英影响,也有创作者遵循艺术自律,追求艺术与政治平衡的努力,它们是中国国情的产物,是具有政治符号意味的艺术图像。论文拟采用四部分展开研究:第一章分别考察前十七年政治背景下美术与儿童。本文旨在考察前十七年时期的儿童形象,但绘画作品中关于儿童形象的创作并不是主流,故而前十七年时期,关于如何创作儿童形象并没有专门理论指导,因而,创作者们如何在绘画作品中塑造儿童形象往往需要依赖两把标尺:美术创作的标准是什么?人们如何看待儿童?美术创作的标准指导创作者们接受什么样的创作思想指导工作,并如何开展工作。而人们的儿童观则决定创造出什么样的儿童形象。第二章是对于儿童形象的基本分类。艺术作品一旦进入公众视域,必然会面对诸多认知背景大相径庭的受众,因此,有经验的创作者在创作之前往往会对作品进行观赏对象分类预设,因为作品受众的差异,决定作品传达的精髓也将不同。按照作品观赏对象进行划分,本文大致将前十七年时期的儿童形象分为三类:一类是以成人作为观赏对象的儿童形象、一类以儿童为观赏对象的儿童形象、一类没有预设受众的儿童形象。成人为受众的儿童形象在作品中是一种符号,儿童形象的塑造不以刻画儿童独特的个性为主要任务,而是塑造出有社会功用的符号图像。以儿童为受众,教育儿童是目标,是成人为培养社会主义接班人塑造的榜样,儿童形象塑造的依据不是"儿童是什么样",而是"儿童应该是什么样"。而没有预设受众的形象,是超越政治的创造,作品试图指向人类的心灵与未来,寄托人类共同拥有的情感和向往的理想境界。第三章是分析对新中国儿童形象造成影响的两方面因素。一方面来自对前苏联绘画语言和绘画中表现意识形态方式的借鉴,一方面来自对老解放区美术传统的继承,特别是老解放区绘画形象中的民间元素和革命宣传性样式。第四章分析儿童形象背后投射的文化内涵。考察儿童形象背后投射出的社会 4生活、文化语境尤其是儿童的生活与文化背景。
[Abstract]:The production and dissemination of children's images can project a country's expectation for children and humanistic concern for the people. This paper focuses on the children's painting images which appeared in the public view during the first seventeen years (1949-966), collates, induces and analyzes the children's images, and sums up different types of children's images according to the audiences of the works. To understand the adult discourse projected behind the image-the works with adults as the audience, the child image as the symbol for adults to express their demands, the child image as the example for the education of the next generation, and the works with children as the audience; There is no clear audience to the works, the image of children is the artist entrusted with the object of truth, good and beauty. In the first seventeen years, the images of children usually influence social life in sporadic and unspecific ways. These images are influenced by the right elites, and also by the creators' efforts to follow the artistic self-discipline and pursue the balance between art and politics. They are the product of China's national conditions and artistic images with political symbols. The first chapter investigates the art and children in the political background of the first 17 years. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the children's image in the first seventeen years, but the creation of children's image in the painting works is not the mainstream. Therefore, there is no special theoretical guidance on how to create the child image in the first seventeen years, so, How to create a child image in a painting often depends on two rulers: what is the standard of art creation? What do people think of children? The standard of art creation instructs the creators to accept what kind of creative ideology guidance and how to carry out the work. But people's view of children decides what kind of child image to create. The second chapter is the basic classification of the image of children. Once a work of art enters the public horizon, it will inevitably face a wide variety of audiences with different cognitive backgrounds. Therefore, experienced creators often presuppose the objects of appreciation before they are created, because the audience of the works is different. Determining the essence of the work will also be different. According to the objects of the works, this paper divides the images of children in the first seventeen years into three categories: one is the image of children with adults as the object of viewing, the other is the image of children who take children as objects of appreciation. A class of children with no preset audience. The child image of adult as the audience is a kind of symbol in the works. The main task of the child image is not to portray the unique personality of the child, but to create the symbolic image with social function. Taking children as the audience, educating children is the goal and the example for adults to cultivate socialist successors. The basis of children's image is not "what kind of children", but "what kind of children should be". The image of no preset audience is beyond the creation of politics. The works try to point to the human mind and the future, and place the emotion and yearning ideal state that the human beings share together. The third chapter is the analysis of the impact on the image of children in two aspects of the new China. On the one hand, it comes from the drawing language of the former Soviet Union and the expression of ideology in painting, on the other hand, it comes from the inheritance of the fine arts tradition in the old liberated areas, especially from the folk elements and revolutionary propaganda styles in the painting images of the old liberated areas. The fourth chapter analyzes the cultural connotation of the projection behind the image of children. The social life, the cultural context, especially the children's life and cultural background are investigated.




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