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发布时间:2018-09-10 18:57
【摘要】:当代的工笔花鸟画家大都生活在都市里,他们对都市生活有着一种特殊的体验和理解。处在这个热闹、复杂又充满新鲜感的当代都市里,当代工笔花鸟画家用一种崭新的艺术面貌来传递着自我情怀。他们将视觉点落在了当代都市生活文化背景上,从不同的角度来表现他们在这个都市里的心境及感悟,把日常视觉经验升华成为一幅具体的作品,表达对当下都市生活和都市人心理情感的关注;同时也表达了他们对这个时代的热爱,或者对当代社会某种不良现象的不满。他们用作品诉说内心的情绪,骨血里开始渗透着一种“都市情结”。他们怀揣着这样一种都市情结,游离在这个大时代,不断审视自身的同时,对生命的领悟愈加深刻,作品流露的情感也愈加浓厚。他们的作品越来越现代化,越来越多样化,越来越融入到都市生活中,饱含着一股浓烈的都市气息。当代工笔花鸟画家作为都市里一个特殊的群体,他们对都市的感受是更加敏感,更加细腻、更加深刻的。从另外一个浅显的层面来说,当代都市工笔花鸟画家的某种心理状态通过作品呈现出来,这种心理状态就是本文要研究的“都市情结”。 本文重点研究当代工笔花鸟画的“都市情结”,列举几位有代表性的当代工笔花鸟画家,通过探究他们的生活背景、人生经历、价值观念等问题,对作品进一步透彻分析,了解他们传递的当代都市情怀,逐步揭示当代工笔花鸟画蕴含的都市情结。 关于专门研究现当代都市工笔花鸟画家内心情感的文献资料比较少,这为本研究增加了不少难度,但这也正是本研究的创新点之所在。本研究主要分析当代工笔花鸟画产生都市情结的因素、都市情结影响下的当代工笔花鸟画两个方面。最后对当代工笔花鸟画家的都市情怀提出思考。本研究通过对已有的相关文献资料和图式资料的梳理研究,采用心理学和社会学结合的方法对表现都市情结的当代工笔花鸟画做较为深入的分析和阐释。本文主要从两个章节进行深入研究,揭秘当代工笔花鸟画的都市情结:第一,当代工笔花鸟画产生都市情结的因素——重点探究当代工笔花鸟画家的生活环境、人生经历、思想价值观。第二,都市情结影响下的当代工笔花鸟画——重点从题材、形式、技法三个方面逐一分析。
[Abstract]:Most of the contemporary painters live in the city, they have a special experience and understanding of urban life. In this lively, complex and fresh contemporary city, contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting household a brand-new artistic face to convey self-feelings. They put the visual spot on the cultural background of contemporary urban life, from different angles to express their mood and perception in this city, sublimating the daily visual experience into a concrete work. It also expresses their love for the times, or their dissatisfaction with some bad phenomena in contemporary society. They use works to express their inner feelings, blood began to permeate a kind of "urban complex." They carry such a kind of urban complex, free in this big era, constantly examine themselves, the understanding of life is more profound, the works show more and more strong feelings. Their works are becoming more and more modern, diversified and integrated into urban life, full of a strong urban atmosphere. As a special group in the city, contemporary painters of meticulous brushwork and birds are more sensitive, delicate and profound about the city. From another superficial level, some psychological state of contemporary urban meticulous brushwork artists is presented through their works, which is the "urban complex" to be studied in this paper. This paper focuses on studying the "urban complex" of contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting, enumerates several representative contemporary painters of fine brushwork, analyzes their life background, life experience, values and so on, and makes a further thorough analysis of their works. Understand their contemporary urban feelings, gradually reveal the contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting contains urban complex. There is less literature on the inner emotion of modern and contemporary urban painters, which adds a lot of difficulty to this study, but this is where the innovation of this study lies. This study mainly analyzes the factors of contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting and the two aspects of contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting under the influence of urban complex. Finally, the contemporary meticulous brushwork flower and bird painter's urban feelings put forward thinking. This study through the existing related literature and schema data combing research, using the method of combining psychology and sociology to express the urban complex of contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting to do a more in-depth analysis and interpretation. This article mainly carries on the thorough research from two chapters, uncovers the contemporary meticulous brushwork flower-bird painting city complex: first, the contemporary meticulous brushwork flower-bird painting produces the urban complex factor-emphatically probes into the contemporary meticulous brushwork flower-bird painter's life environment, the life experience, Ideological values. Secondly, the contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting under the influence of urban complex is analyzed one by one from three aspects: subject matter, form and technique.


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2 尚辉;时尚与传统的文化平衡——陆春涛花鸟画对于都市心态的互补[J];东方艺术;2003年05期

3 ;新工笔的生命力[J];市场周刊(艺术财经);2012年09期

4 杨晓奇;;离间之美——论当代花鸟画中的“陌生化”意象[J];艺术百家;2012年S1期




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