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发布时间:2018-09-10 21:26
【摘要】:神话是民间艺术形式的一种,是古代人民在对自然认识水平有限的情况下,对其所接触的自然现象、社会现象,幻想出来的具有艺术意味的解释和描述的集体口头创作,包括神鬼故事和神化或鬼化的英雄传说等。一直以来,神话都是文人墨客和民间艺人进行艺术创作的重要题材来源,哲学家卡西尔(Ernst Cassirer,1874—1945)曾经说过:“艺术在它的起源中,在它的萌芽时期,似乎就是与神话联结在一起的,即使在后来的发展过程中,它也从未完全摆脱神话与宗教思维的影响和力量”。 世界各地流传的神话故事对该地区艺术创作都产生了不同程度的影响。在西方近现代油画作品中,神话题材汕画占据相当重要的地位,特别是从文艺复兴时期开始,不少以神话为题材的杰出作品陆续问世。追溯中国绘画史,以神话传说为题材的作品从先秦时期就开始出现,并作为主要题材之一发展、传承下来。油画传入中国后,一些艺术家们也开始以尝试以中国传统神话为题材创作油画作品。本文对以中西方神话为题材的油画创作进行了初步的研究与探讨,分析了两个国家、不同民族以神话题材为主的油画(或绘画)创作的内容、特征和发展历程,以及这些艺术作品所反映的不同民族之间的文化、性格、价值取向差异等。最后得出结论:从人类文明的根源——神话传说来研究绘画艺术,将神话传说融入到油画创作中,是一条可持续的、有生命力的创作之路。 对中国的艺术家们来说,如何将油画这种外来的艺术表达形式与中华民族的古老神话传说相结合起来,使油画与积淀数千年的传统文化相互碰撞、相互交融;使创作出的作品既具有西方技法的精髓,又具有中华文化的传统,是我这篇论文所要阐述和表达的核心内容。西方艺术家可以以神话为题材,创作伟大的、流芳百世的油画艺术作品,中国艺术家们也应将代表民族文化精髓的神话传说通过油画这种艺术语言来表达,为中国油画创作注入更多本民族的传统文化符号。
[Abstract]:Myth is a form of folk art. It is a collective oral creation of artistic interpretation and description of the natural phenomena, social phenomena, imaginary artistic interpretations and descriptions made by the ancient people under the condition of limited understanding of nature. Including the story of gods and ghosts and deified or ghost hero legends and so on. Myth has always been an important source of subject matter for writers and folk artists in their artistic creation. The philosopher Ernst Cassirer,1874-1945 once said, "Art in its origin, in its infancy, It seems to be linked to mythology, which, even in its later development, was never completely free from the influence and power of mythology and religious thinking. The mythological stories circulating all over the world have influenced the artistic creation of the region to varying degrees. In the western modern oil painting, the mythical theme Shantou painting occupies a very important position, especially since the Renaissance period, many outstanding works with myth as the subject matter have appeared one after another. Tracing back to the history of Chinese painting, the works with mythology and legends began to appear in the pre-Qin period, and as one of the main themes, they were developed and passed down. After oil painting was introduced into China, some artists began to try to use Chinese traditional mythology as the subject matter of oil paintings. This article has carried on the preliminary research and the discussion to the oil painting creation which takes the Chinese and the western mythology as the subject matter, has analyzed the content, the characteristic and the development course of the oil painting (or painting) which is mainly based on the myth theme in two countries and different nationalities. And these works of art reflect the difference of culture, character, value orientation and so on. Finally, the conclusion is drawn: it is a sustainable and vital way to study the art of painting from the root of human civilization-mythology and legend, and to integrate myth and legend into oil painting. For Chinese artists, how to combine the foreign art expression form of oil painting with the ancient myth and legend of the Chinese nation, so that oil painting and the traditional culture accumulated for thousands of years collide with each other and blend with each other; Making the works have the essence of western techniques and the tradition of Chinese culture is the core content of my thesis. Western artists can use mythology as the subject matter to create great, everlasting oil paintings. Chinese artists should also express the myths and legends that represent the essence of national culture through the artistic language of oil painting. Chinese oil painting for the injection of more traditional cultural symbols of the nation.


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