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发布时间:2018-09-12 19:11
[Abstract]:Painting, as an art form which is accompanied by human reproduction, has a heavy history in the development of painting. In the process of painting development, it has formed various schools such as figurative image painting school and abstract painting school, and so on, in the course of the development of painting, there are many schools, such as figurative painting school, abstract painting school and so on. Its development presents us with a rich and colorful art world. In the process of development, the controversy between the figurative painting school and the abstract painting school is in the process of incessant escalation. This paper concretely analyzes the connotation and characteristics of abstract painting and concrete painting, and on this basis further analyzes the relationship between them. There is a deep relationship between abstract art and figurative art. To a certain extent, the development of concrete painting will have the sublimation and transformation of time, space, form, content, technique, etc. This is a long and complex process of evolution. Painting form language is the continuous generation of continuous evolution of innovation and development process. Then there appears a highly logical, abstract and rigorous abstract art form after sublimation. In the process of this change and development, the art of painting form language is constantly changing and developing. In the postgraduate stage, the author constantly explores and discusses the past, present and future development of abstract painting form language, and the change and development of abstract painting language in art aesthetics will be an innovative development stage. The significance of the study is that combining the artistic language of many outstanding artistic masters with the creative experience and experience of the author's self-exploration and research can promote the development of the formal language of painting on the basis of practice and theory. Can have a new chapter in the category of artistic aesthetics.


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