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发布时间:2018-09-12 20:57
【摘要】:[中文摘要]南北朝谢赫《古画品录》中的“六法”提到“骨法用笔”之说,确立了线描作为一种绘画手段在传统中国画中的重要地位。中国花鸟画讲求以线造型,线条对于中国花鸟画来说,就相当于花鸟画的骨架,可见线描在工笔花鸟画中的特殊地位。线描是工笔花鸟画的基本表现形式,体现了工笔花鸟画的精髓,当代艺术思想的大解放使当代工笔花鸟画得以吸收异国的艺术营养,在创作中融入了各种类型的表现技法,展示出新时代气息,中西融合已然成为当下的一种趋势,但是这种趋势使得传统工笔花鸟画的基本表现形式有所弱化,因此系统地研究线描问题是必须经历的途径,具有一定的研究意义。 本文通过“线描”为切入点,通过比较分析法与举例分析法从四个方面对线描在当代工笔花鸟画中的应用进行研究,探索线描的历史渊源,理清线描在工笔花鸟画中的发展道路,并从当代文化的角度出发,引出当代工笔花鸟画的主要表现形式,探究线描在当代工笔花鸟画中的作用和发展趋势。文章的第一章,简要论述线描的形成与发展,了解线描作为绘画的主要造型手段和情感的表现载体在中国画中的重要地位,为线描在工笔花鸟画中的应用表现奠定基础;文章的第二章梳理线描在传统工笔花鸟画中的整个发展脉络,探究线描在工笔花鸟画中的发展规律,线描作为工笔花鸟画的基本表现形式,伴随着工笔花鸟画快速发展;文章的第三章,结合线描在工笔花鸟画中的应用原则,为线描在当代工笔花鸟画创作中的应用与发展提供理论依据,也为笔者的创作提供更大的联想空间,以线描作为创作的主要表现形式,致力于传承工笔花鸟画本身的传统特点;文章的第四章,对现代人的大体审美趋势进行分析,在中西交融的时代背景下,寻找工笔花鸟画民族与时代发展的契合点,探究当代工笔花鸟画创作道路中的主要发展趋势。 本文的每一部分都是围绕着线描这个主题展开论述的,线描作为中国画传统的造型手段,折射出中国特有的民族文化,它陪伴着工笔花鸟画一路走来,它的应用对当代工笔花鸟画的发展有着重要的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Abstract: the "six methods" in Sheikh's works of Ancient paintings in the Southern and Northern dynasties refer to the "bone method with pen" and establish the important position of line drawing as a kind of painting means in traditional Chinese painting. Chinese flower-and-bird painting emphasizes the line modeling, the line is equivalent to the skeleton of the flower-and-bird painting to the Chinese flower-and-bird painting, so it can be seen that the special position of the line drawing in the fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting. Line drawing is the basic form of fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, which embodies the essence of fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting. The great liberation of contemporary artistic thought enables contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting to absorb foreign artistic nutrition and incorporate various kinds of expressive techniques in its creation. Showing the flavor of the new era, the integration of China and the West has become a current trend, but this trend has weakened the basic forms of traditional fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, so it is necessary to systematically study the problem of line drawing. Has certain research significance. This article through "line drawing" as the breakthrough point, through the comparative analysis method and the example analysis method from four aspects carries on the research to the line drawing in the contemporary fine brushwork flower and bird painting application, explores the historical origin of the line drawing, This paper clarifies the development path of line drawing in fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, and from the angle of contemporary culture, leads to the main forms of expression of contemporary fine brushwork flower-bird painting, and probes into the function and development trend of line drawing in contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting. The first chapter briefly discusses the formation and development of line drawing, understand the important position of line drawing as the main modeling means of painting and the expression carrier of emotion in Chinese painting, and lay the foundation for the application of line drawing in fine brushwork flower and bird painting. The second chapter combs the whole development of the line drawing in the traditional fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, probes into the development law of the line drawing in the fine brushwork flower-bird painting, as the basic expression form of the fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, accompanied by the rapid development of the fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting; The third chapter, combined with the application principle of line drawing in fine brush flower and bird painting, provides the theoretical basis for the application and development of line drawing in contemporary fine brush flower and bird painting creation, and also provides greater associative space for the author's creation. Taking line drawing as the main form of expression and devoting itself to inheriting the traditional characteristics of fine brush flower-and-bird painting, the fourth chapter of the article analyzes the general aesthetic trend of modern people, and under the background of the blending of China and the West, In order to explore the main development trend of contemporary fine brushwork flower and bird painting, the paper tries to find out the convergence point between the nation and the times. Each part of this paper is discussed around the theme of line drawing. As a traditional modeling means of Chinese painting, line drawing reflects the unique national culture of China, and it accompanies fine brushwork flowers and birds painting all the way along the way. Its application has important guiding significance to the development of contemporary fine brush flower and bird painting.


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1 陈龙海;楚艺术的线性特征及其文化基因[J];荆州师范学院学报;2003年06期

2 付爱民;;全国首届中国画线描艺术展举办的学术意义[J];美术观察;2008年07期

3 王静;;赏析中国画笔墨[J];美术界;2008年06期

4 ;品评[J];世界发明;2005年07期

5 李沙沙;;中西方绘画中线条运用的差异[J];艺术与设计(理论);2010年01期

6 全泉;对中国画线条的认识[J];艺术探索;1998年02期

7 白珂;;工笔花鸟画的线条审美特征[J];阴山学刊;2008年04期

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1 陈龙海;中国古代“线的艺术”研究[D];华中师范大学;2004年

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1 李沙沙;论中国工笔花鸟画中线条的运用[D];浙江理工大学;2010年

2 高明月;谈中国绘画的线语言[D];重庆大学;2005年




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