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发布时间:2018-09-13 10:06
[Abstract]:In the contemporary context, Chinese and Western paintings are facing coexistence and challenges. Local culture needs us to be confident and strive for. The strength of culture depends on the ability of the artists of their own nation to adhere to their traditional culture and self-examination. The alienation of ideas and the overflow of images make the painting image go to two extremes. One is to pay attention to the concept but not to the technology. The other is to pay attention to the technology but despise the concept of painting. This is the phenomenon of alienation in the contemporary concept of painting images. The former pays attention to what to paint, the latter pays attention to how to draw, and rarely connects the two closely. On the other hand, with the intervention of the market, there is hidden behind the academic exhibition the promoter of commerce, so that the academic value of painting is in an awkward state, and the competition between the academic and commercial leads to the coexistence of multiple paintings. As a part of humanities, painting is a spiritual bridge of emotion, individuality and cultivation. As an important part of contemporary art, imagery oil painting has to examine its current value and significance. Its value is mainly reflected in whether it is conducive to the benign development of painting. The imagery oil painting has gone through the difficult period of modern painting, the baptism of the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" new trend, and through the exploration and practice of modern painters, it has obtained remarkable achievements, but the subject matter tends to the achievement of natural landscape. This is a special period of traditional painting and modern painting, and it is also a special period. The inevitable result of the development of the historical stage is closely related to the painter's life experience. Most of the modern painters came out of the influence of the traditional culture. In essence, these painters'blood contains the gene of the traditional culture, revealing the cognition of the traditional painting consciously or unconsciously. Most of these painters have studied abroad and received systematic western education. Facing the western oil painting media, they are more accustomed to conveying the artistic conception of painting by using the aesthetic methods of traditional painting. In the new century, imagery oil painting has experienced a hundred years of development and evolution, tending to mature, regardless of language, concepts have made considerable achievements. But compared with modern painters, imagery oil painters in the new century are far inferior to modern painters, but in technology and culture. Conceptual transcendence is due to the following reasons: first of all, the identity of modern painters and painters in the new century is different, aesthetic differences, resulting in the image of oil painting to convey different emotions. Thirdly, contemporary imagery painters imitate the creation of the ancients, go into the famous mountains and rivers, look for creative inspiration in the city and countryside, use the scenery to express their feelings. It is gratifying that contemporary imagery painters have made some achievements through hard practice, but unfortunately for the "artistic conception" between people and society to achieve technology. There are still very few artists who have achieved a high degree of unity between "and" conception. "This paper starts from the thought of traditional literati painting, compares the evolution of"artistic conception"of traditional painting with that of"imagery oil painting"in the contemporary context, and analyzes the independent branches of literati painting, the language features and achievements of landscape, characters, flowers and birds freehand brushwork. It is concluded that the traditional literati painters in feudal society achieved the idea of "expressing feelings with objects" by describing the objects in nature to express the painter's surroundings to the living environment, to express the painter's attitude towards the social outlook and outlook on life. In the early 20th century, in the face of the collision of Chinese and Western cultures, painters of insight worried about local paintings, the emergence of a movement for the improvement of traditional paintings, painters are faced with innovation and perseverance, realistic and freehand challenges, indirectly, modernist painters compared with traditional literati painters, modernist painters Modern painters have created "freehand oil painting" in the improvement of traditional paintings. It was renamed "image oil painting" in the new era. The former emphasizes the spirit of freehand brushwork, while the latter emphasizes the spirit of image transmission. Grafting style, drawing on the language of Chinese and Western painting, both absorb the advantages of Western realistic style, has highlighted the advantages of traditional painting. Under the special background, freehand oil painting plays a connecting link between the past and the future, paving the way for the development of the new style of the new century, "image oil painting." Modern painters created by taking nature as the mother body. Inspiration, painters through the "painting" and "painting" to convey the spirit of painting, although this "writing" in the history of art shows its due value and significance, but to truly enter the category of contemporary painting, "freehand" in the "writing" has become a form of the past, in the image of oil painting has become one of the schemata. The true "meaning" is not only the legacy of the spirit of traditional painting, but also the humanistic concern for the society and people's livelihood in the contemporary context. It is a common understanding between people and society, reflecting the contemporary society and the desire and pursuit of finding truth, goodness and beauty in social activities. At present, imagery oil painting not only needs the spirit of "writing", but also needs to convey the concept of painting through "freehand brushwork". Combining the two highly organic, emphasizing the concept of schema and freehand brushwork spirit to express the spiritual bridge between people and society. The true value of "image oil painting" in the context of generation.


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