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发布时间:2018-09-13 11:39
[Abstract]:With the development of animation brand construction and the importance of animation characters in animation films, animation character brands, the core of animation brands, have been paid more and more attention in the allocation of industry resources. With the continuous emergence of new works in the animation market, animation character brands should not only play an important role in popular entertainment, but also bring economic benefits to enterprises in order to keep them running. The duration of the existence of these animation characters in the market is directly related to the survival environment, product sales and overall planning of animation enterprises, so the duration of the brand life cycle of animation characters is discussed. It is beneficial to the benign development of brand communication of animation image in animation industry and provides new ideas and opinions for shaping and strengthening Chinese animation brand. This paper is divided into five parts, the introduction mainly introduces the research background, research significance, research methods and literature review. The first chapter combs the concept of brand and animation brand, and further defines the concept and characteristics of animation role brand, and concludes its advantages in the market. The second chapter focuses on the characteristics and value of animation characters brand, and from the perspective of animation audience to elaborate the shape, color, character and other internal significance of outstanding role creation at home and abroad. The third chapter analyzes the continuing content and method of the animation role brand under the animation industry, explores the elements and forms of the role brand from the aspects of life cycle and brand maintenance, and emphasizes on the relationship between the role and continuity of the role of the animation industry chain promotion role. The fourth chapter discusses the influence of animation enterprises on the dynamic role and goal of animation characters, as well as the interactive relationship between brand development and education of animation characters.


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10 张璀;中国动画业的产业化发展[D];南京师范大学;2003年




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