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发布时间:2018-09-14 14:41
【摘要】:色彩运用对于绘画的表现力有着十分重要的作用。在当今画坛中,各种油画用色更是丰富多彩,百花齐放。绘画者们的表现方式很多,有的带着唯美的浪漫主义,构图与用色已然打破传统,呈现纯粹真实的画面;有的直接摈弃实质性的内容,而突出运用面、点、线条、色块等画面表现形式来突出心理的情感,情绪,节奏等抽象内容;还有的承接非现实主义的波普艺术,主张人类潜意识的发掘,运用轻快明亮的色彩直接表现艺术家内心的想法。有一个共同点贯穿所有作品之中——运用色彩剖析内心的独白。本文阐述的是关于色彩的本真表现,以申玲个人艺术色彩风格为主线,通过对申玲艺术色彩元素的分析解读,创作过程中的体验与自我暗示,对其色彩意义与影响进行探究。从文章的结构上看,主要包括四方面内容,在第一部分介绍了 “自我本真”的美学含义。第二部分主要对画家申玲用色彩诠释“自我本真”的脉络分析,从不同时期的作品转变发展及色彩中寻求答案。第三部分是申玲审美思潮以及个人风格的表现手法探索,色彩、内心和思想三者之间形成了一个循环运作的互相影响互相牵制的关系,在论文中篇幅较少的提到。最后部分是确定自己的毕业创作,通过自己的内心世界和绘画体验的经历,对绘画色彩有了新的了解,新的憧憬。期望通过本次论文,自己的眼界更加开阔,自己的创作更加得心应手。
[Abstract]:The use of color plays a very important role in the expression of painting. In today's painting world, all kinds of paintings are colorful and colorful. There are many ways for the painters to express themselves, some of them with a romantic sense of beauty, the composition and use of color have broken the tradition and presented a pure real picture; some have directly rejected the substantive content and put emphasis on the use of surfaces, dots, and lines. Color blocks and other forms of picture expression to highlight the emotional, rhythm and other abstract content; others to undertake non-realistic pop art, advocate human subconscious exploration, Use light and bright colors to express the artist's inner thoughts directly. There is a common denominator in all works-the use of color to analyze the inner monologue. This paper expounds the true expression of color, with the main line of Shen Ling's individual artistic color style, through the analysis and interpretation of the elements of Shen Ling's artistic color, the experience and self-suggestion in the process of creation, and probes into its color meaning and influence. From the structure of the article, mainly includes four aspects, in the first part introduced the aesthetic meaning of "self-truth". In the second part, the author analyzes the context of the painter Shen Ling's interpretation of "self trueness" with color, and seeks the answer from the changing development and color of her works in different periods. The third part is the exploration of Shen Ling's aesthetic trend of thought and the expression of her personal style. The relationship between color, heart and thought forms a relationship of mutual influence and restraint of circulation operation, which is seldom mentioned in the paper. The last part is to determine their graduation creation, through their own inner world and painting experience, painting color has a new understanding, a new vision. Through this paper, I hope to broaden my vision and create more easily.


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