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发布时间:2018-09-14 20:36
【摘要】:意象风景油画,是当下许多艺术家们热衷于探寻和表达的绘画方式与题材,中国拥有960万平方公里,在这片国土上有56个民族生活着,不同的自然环境与文化传承,形成了地域之间的差异性,当然文化艺术也包含在其内。艺术家们生长的环境也有所差异,使得他们绘画创作的艺术品必然会受到地域文化因素的影响。所以地域性的特征也会反映在意象风景油画之中。 本文就以地域性特征的差异作为研究对象,分析意象风景油画油画中的地域特征的差异。试图通过对不同地域的文化和自然环境的特殊性的研究分析,阐述出艺术家们的意象风景绘画中地域性特征的影响与体现,进而指导我将尝试的创作研究方向。生长在不同地域的艺术家,应该关注抚育自己的那一片土地。深入自然,体验生活,创作出更加有当代中国特色的艺术作品。 本文分为五个章节,,以南方、北方为例来论述地域性对意象风景油画的影响。意象风景油画的出现是中国艺术家在吸收中西方艺术后走向本民族文化的回归与发展。以中华民族的传统文化为根基,将现代与传统,东方与西方的文化交融并济,生根发芽,成长壮大。表现本土地域特色和风格,是中国意象风景油画在文化多元化的大趋势中,可持续发展的必然途经。
[Abstract]:Imagery and landscape painting is a painting style and subject matter that many artists are keen to explore and express. China has 9.6 million square kilometers. There are 56 nationalities living in this land, different natural environment and cultural heritage. The formation of regional differences, of course, culture and art also included in it. Artists grow up in different environments, making their paintings must be influenced by regional cultural factors. Therefore, the regional features will also be reflected in the image landscape oil painting. In this paper, the regional characteristics of the differences as the object of study, analysis of the image landscape oil painting differences in regional characteristics. Through the research and analysis of the particularity of culture and natural environment in different regions, this paper expounds the influence and embodiment of the regional characteristics of the artists' image-landscape painting, and then guides the direction of creative research that I will try to study. Artists growing up in different regions should pay attention to the land that nurtures them. Go deep into nature, experience life and create works of art with more contemporary Chinese characteristics. This paper is divided into five chapters, taking the south and north as examples to discuss the influence of regional on image landscape oil painting. The appearance of imagery landscape oil painting is the return and development of Chinese artists' culture after absorbing Chinese and western art. Based on the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, the modern and traditional, eastern and western cultures are blended and consolidated, and take root and sprout and grow stronger. It is the inevitable way of sustainable development of Chinese imagery landscape oil painting in the trend of cultural diversity to express its local regional characteristics and style.


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6 陈孝信;;中国看见自己,则世界看见中国——序《'2009文脉精神·中国版本——当代艺术精英展》[J];中国艺术;2009年04期

7 云浩;;写意——中国的美学征途(节选)[J];中国油画;2008年04期




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