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发布时间:2018-09-15 05:39
【摘要】:波普艺术产生并盛行于20世纪50、60年代的欧洲与美国。波普艺术虽然没有确定的理论思想作为艺术观念指导,但对于20世纪视觉艺术向自由化发展,它的出现起到了非常重要的作用。在传统艺术中,艺术与生活有着明显的区别与界线,而早期现代艺术对传统艺术的变化只是意识形态的解放但艺术表达维护仍是高于生活的精英艺术。直到达达主义更新了艺术的观念,开始追问艺术与生活的关系。波普艺术的观念便萌芽于此,并在不断的发展认识中更进一步,使艺术走下神坛,融入大众空间。这让波普艺术深度影响到此后当代艺术形式的产生,让新型艺术的出现与流行成为可能。波普艺术观念也是中国新潮美术发展的基础观念,,影响着中国当代艺术的进程。 本文关注于波普艺术观念的发展,说明了在波普艺术观念影响下我的毕业创作《dazzling》的创作构思、过程及体会。文章首先在其源点的达达主义思潮开始到波普艺术观念形成,从西方当代艺术发展的视角中,阐释当代艺术观念的嬗变。其后引申波普艺术更自由化的观念发展以及对中国当代艺术的影响。最后在此波普观念的影响下,我对艺术的看法有自己的见解,通过毕业创作,把自己的认识和思考融入在毕业创作《dazzling》中,表达观念对我的影响及我对观念的感悟。
[Abstract]:Pop art emerged and prevailed in Europe and the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. Although there is no definite theoretical thought as the guidance of artistic concept, pop art has played a very important role in the development of visual art towards liberalization in the 20th century. In traditional art, there are obvious differences and boundaries between art and life, but the change of modern art to traditional art is only the liberation of ideology, but the maintenance of art expression is still higher than the elite art of life. Until Dadaism renewed the concept of art and began to question the relationship between art and life. The concept of pop art sprang up in this, and further developed in the understanding, so that art walked off the altar and into the mass space. This makes the depth of pop art influence the emergence of contemporary art form and make the emergence and popularity of new art possible. Pop art concept is also the basic concept of the development of Chinese modern art, which influences the process of Chinese contemporary art. This paper focuses on the development of pop art concept, and explains the conception, process and experience of my graduation creation "dazzling" under the influence of pop art concept. The article first explains the evolution of contemporary artistic ideas from the perspective of the development of western contemporary art from the Dadaism trend of thought at its source point to the formation of pop art concept. Later, the concept of more liberalization of pop art and its influence on Chinese contemporary art were extended. Finally, under the influence of Popper idea, I have my own opinion on art. Through graduation creation, I put my own knowledge and thinking into the graduation creation < dazzling], and express the influence of the idea on me and my perception of the idea.


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