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发布时间:2018-09-15 05:46
【摘要】:中国工笔人物画的历史悠久,从魏晋南北朝时期的初兴到到唐代时期的繁荣鼎盛,再到两宋大发展。绘画技巧逐渐成熟,绘画形式也多姿多彩,绘画理论也随之日趋完善。以线造型,平涂设色,散点透视构图,使工笔人物画表现出具有独特的形式美感。 随着社会的发展,现代工笔画构图也呈现出不同的面貌。中国古代的工笔人物画的构图比较倾向于主观意识的表现,是画家主观意识作用于客观自然界,是画家对无限空间的主观表现,也体现了中国的艺术精神。现代工笔人物画的构图是吸收借鉴西方古典主义、现代主义等绘画流派的形式和特点,并在此基础上进行发展和创新,创造出新的画面表现形式。我们应该进行创新学习,在学习与借鉴中不断发展,最终形成自己本民族的独特的绘画风格。 本文内容包括以下四部分:第一部分是浅析中国工笔人物画构图的研究现状,第二部分是详细分析了中国现代工笔人物画空间构图的新特点,第三部分是略写中国现代工笔人物画多样的画幅形态,第四部分是探析工笔人物画构图变化的原因。
[Abstract]:Chinese meticulous figure painting has a long history, from the beginning of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, to the great development of the Song Dynasty. Painting techniques gradually matured, painting forms are also colorful, painting theory is also becoming more and more perfect. Line modeling, flat painting color, scattered perspective composition, so that fine figure painting has a unique aesthetic form. With the development of society, modern meticulous painting composition also presents different features. The composition of meticulous figure painting in ancient China tends to the expression of subjective consciousness. It is the subjective consciousness of the painter acting on the objective nature, the subjective expression of the painter to infinite space, and the embodiment of Chinese artistic spirit. The composition of modern meticulous figure painting is to absorb the form and characteristics of western classicism, modernism and other painting schools, and on this basis to develop and innovate, to create a new form of picture expression. We should study innovatively, develop constantly in learning and learning, and finally form our own unique painting style. The content of this paper includes the following four parts: the first part is to analyze the current situation of the research on the composition of Chinese meticulous figure painting, the second part is to analyze in detail the new characteristics of the space composition of the Chinese modern meticulous figure painting. The third part is a brief description of the various forms of Chinese modern meticulous figure painting, the fourth part is to explore the reasons for the composition changes of meticulous figure painting.


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1 水天中;彩墨写出无声诗——读李少文的《九歌》[J];美术研究;1981年01期

2 赵奎英;中国古代时间意识的空间化及其对艺术的影响[J];文史哲;2000年04期

3 潘耀昌;;西洋透视和中国界画——两种透视法的比较[J];新美术;1986年04期

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1 宋晓霞;工笔画的传统与现代发展研究[D];中央美术学院;2008年

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1 王丽丽;当代工笔人物画创作现状研究[D];山东师范大学;2012年

2 冯娟;当代工笔人物画构图演变之探析[D];首都师范大学;2009年

3 时美丽;创作实践中对构图的探微[D];苏州大学;2012年




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