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发布时间:2018-09-17 13:53
[Abstract]:Since the 19th century, the upsurge of various art schools of thought has led to the deviation of art creation from the realistic idea of "objectivity and coolness" of the classical school of painting since the Renaissance. And the painter is more and more keen to rely on his subjective world, subjective spirit will, ideas to intervene, transform the objective things, so that the painting has increasingly evolved into the performance of the painter's own world view. The external "diagram" of values and aesthetics. Under such circumstances, it has always been regarded as a "basic skill in painting". The sketch creation of "sketches" has become the breakthrough point and breakthrough direction for the avant-garde artists of various artistic schools of thought to explore the representation method of painting as a subjective spiritual world, which leads to the emergence of a large number of modern sketch works. The rapid development of science and technology has provided a variety of new media for modern art, prompting the avant-garde artists who have explored how to turn painting into a representation of the subjective spiritual world to apply these materials to modern sketches on their own initiative. A basic modern sketch, artistic language, has been developed. Inspired by this trend, Avant-garde painters with broad horizons have also begun to use all the techniques and finished elements in areas other than traditional sketching, including art and non-art, as the "artistic language" of modern sketches. In order to create more efficient "graphic" sketch works that fit in with their own concept of the spiritual world. After these two new "artistic languages" converged in modern sketch, the "artistic language" of sketch got unprecedented enrichment and development. In view of this, "artistic language", which comes from media or from other fields, not only poses a great challenge and impact to the traditional sketch language, It also suggests that it is necessary and urgent for us to connect various new sketches "artistic language" with traditional "artistic language". It is under this background that the author chooses "on the Application of artistic language in Sketch creation" as the subject to explore the application of "artistic language" in modern sketch and its guiding thinking. The research of this subject is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction, which will introduce the development of sketch art and sketch teaching at home and abroad, the second part is the definition of concept, not only will analyze the concept of "artistic language", Furthermore, the types and characteristics of the traditional sketch "artistic language" and the modern sketch "artistic language" will be elaborated. In the third part, specific cases will be cited. The fourth part is based on the argumentation of the third part, trying to explore the connection between traditional and modern sketch "artistic language" and artistic thinking. The fifth part is the conclusion, summarizes the full text, reveals the core point of view.


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