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发布时间:2018-09-17 15:23
[Abstract]:In the Song Dynasty, Su Hanchen's "pictures of hundred children in Changchun" are the epitomists of the theme of infantile drama. In the history of Chinese art, the figure paintings that specifically depict children's games are called "baby play drawings", the main characteristic of which is the depiction of children playing. A play scene. Since I entered the study of Chinese painting and figure painting, I have been paying more attention to the theme of baby play drawing in my life taste and interest. In my graduation thesis, I have chosen Su Hanchen's work, "Chun Baizi Pictures", as the object of study. From its panoramic composition as the research direction, this paper discusses the inspiration of this composition for contemporary painting creation. How to make use of the panoramic composition method to make it an important painting in Song Dynasty and even in Chinese art history and enlighten the later generations in the painter Su Hanchen's "100 Zi Pictures of Changchun" is worthy of further study. Its clever dynamic style and layout, let each character get vivid and wonderful expression. The ingenious arrangement of pavilions and pavilions, the unity of time and space of the 04:00 scene, the elegant design of colors, the implication of void and reality, the appearance of collective images, the pursuit of poetry, these distinctive features of painting, With its panoramic composition and artistic conception construction, it also accords well with the principle of scattered point perspective, that is, it makes a sufficient cushion for the narrative form of the big scene, which forms the unique performance and charm of the panoramic composition of Changchun Baizi Map. This form of painting was also displayed in the Northern Song Dynasty and Zhang Qiduan's the Ching Ming River Pictures, which were full of pictures, large scenes, vivid figures in the city, and numerous buildings in the courtyard. The picture gives people an infinite sense of reality and imagination. These are the beauty of panoramic composition in Song Dynasty painting, which has a unique Chinese composition, compared with the focus of the West, more unique Chinese national painting spirit and painting theory, and has a profound impact on the painting creation of later generations. In modern times, Western painting has been introduced in a large number, traditional painting in the excellent image performance, composition method, some loss and decline, performance in the form of painting composition generally tend to become more simple and even simple monotonous. Some put more emphasis on the realistic features and ignored the freedom of the composition of the painting and the expressive power of artistic conception, the lack of a large scene across the unity of time and space, the lack of a group of characters vivid picture combination, Rich style is the lack of combination of artistic form. The author thinks that by analyzing the panoramic composition in Changchun Baizi Map, it will be a good adjustment for the contemporary Chinese painting to focus on depicting reality and intercept the partial corner composition. Because of the influence of history and culture, the theory of Chinese painting and the essence of Chinese painting are naturally different from western painting. The spirit essence of Chinese painting is clearly pointed out in Sheikh's "six methods" theory in Jin Dynasty. The description of the position of business in the six methods is very important. Based on the interpretation and reflection of the panoramic composition of Su Hanchen's "Changchun Baizi Pictures", this paper hopes to find out its creative performance and composition techniques for contemporary painting, and to lend an inspiration from ancient times to the present.


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