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发布时间:2018-09-18 16:08
[Abstract]:Since the introduction of western thought into China, the variety of thoughts and schools is really puzzling, the whole art circle is also chaotic, facing great uncertainty. Among Chinese painters, the conservatives choose to avoid this "great beast", hiding in the corner to quietly study the ancient ink and pen left behind, continuing the aesthetic interest of the ancients, but the painting has no vitality to speak of; There are also radical artists who advocate putting aside brushwork, freehand brushwork, and replacing "freehand brushwork" with "wash ink". With the involvement of various ideas and forms, Chinese painting has also been transformed into pure "conceptual ink painting." It has completely lost its original appearance and spiritual connotation; of course, some artists have chosen eclecticism, which is neither satisfied with the continuation of the tradition of the ancients nor advocating the complete abandonment of the essence of the pen and ink, but rather drifts between the East and the West. Based on the background of the present society, we can improve the Chinese painting by connecting with the environment of the times and the actual social conditions, and solve the problem of brush and ink in the framework of the whole thought through the necessary form of composition, thus making the brush and ink of Chinese painting more bearing. Indeed, being means there is a problem, it means being is reasonable, we can't say which way is a perfect solution, only relatively perfect. This paper is mainly based on the Chinese figure painting to discuss the importance of "freehand brushwork", referring to the "pen and ink" as the core and sensitive topic, and finally expounds its practical significance.


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