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发布时间:2018-09-18 14:26
【摘要】:在当代的油画界,众多油画家们在油画语言的探索中主动借鉴和吸收中国传统绘画中的写意精神来丰富自己的绘画语言深度和凸现自己的文化特质,将中国的写意精神用不同的方式和情感嫁接在画布上,使凝重艰涩的画布上充溢着中国文人的气质和魅力。越来越多的油画家把视线转向传统绘画的内在精神这个极其宝贵的、潜力巨大的领域。使中国油画在语言上的民族化探究步伐也在不断地成熟和向前迈进。 詹建俊,作为中国当代美术史上里程碑式的人物,在当代中国油画艺坛上具有独特意义和价值,为中国油画开辟了一片新领域。詹建俊追求油画的写意性,吸收与融合了中国画中的写意观念与写意的精神内涵,,从而发展出一种具有写意精神的油画作品。詹建俊早期的艺术追求洋溢着青春浪漫的激情与时代理想的革命豪情,其作品情感与自然交相辉映,具有强烈的象征性,创造出情景交融、恢弘宽广的意境。这一时期,詹建俊的代表作有《起家》、《狼牙山五壮士》等。这些画产生了巨大的影响,甚至影响了几代艺术青年。“文革”时期,詹建俊被迫中断艺术探索多年。70年代后期,詹建俊沿红军长征路写生,画出不少风景与人像画的佳作。“文革”结束后,詹建俊的艺术创作进入旺盛时期,所创作的作品流露出一种经历风雨后的人生感悟和高尚的道德情操,呈现一种平静淡定的人生柔情和积极向上的健康的人生态度,代表作有《高原的歌》、《回望》、《寂静的石湖林》、《飞雪》、《潮》等等。他的写意油画作品具有典型中国文人画的味道,在形式和内容上能体现中国画的特有面貌。詹建俊的油画作品展示给我们的是一片带有中国优秀文化的、具有中华民族特色的、体现改革开放以来中国人昂扬的精神面貌的画面,呈现出高度吸取优秀艺术传统营养的画面。这实际上是对中国本土精神的延伸,通过对传统艺术精神的吸收,使其油画独具风格,对促进油画艺术多种手法的进步做出了重大贡献。 詹建俊还是一位辛勤的美术教育家,在教学过程中坚持董希文先生的教学理念,并根据新时期的特点进行了发展。他在教学中特别强调专业的敬业精神和严谨的治学态度。詹建俊自1980年至1999年任第三工作室主任,是自从1956年工作室成立起唯一一位跨越“文革”前后两个时期的在工作室任教时间最长的教员。在教学中严于律己,做到为人师表,是工作室健康发展的可靠保证。詹建俊还是一位艺术活动家和组织者,几十年来为中国油画艺术的发展做出了特殊贡献。
[Abstract]:In the field of contemporary oil painting, many oil painters actively learn from and absorb the spirit of freehand brushwork in the exploration of oil painting language to enrich their painting language depth and highlight their own cultural characteristics. The Chinese freehand brushwork spirit is grafted on the canvas in different ways and emotions, which makes the heavy and difficult canvas overflowing with the temperament and charm of the Chinese literati. More and more oil painters turn their attention to the inner spirit of traditional painting, an extremely valuable and potential field. So that the Chinese oil painting in the language of nationalization of the pace of exploration is constantly maturing and moving forward. Zhan Jianjun, as a landmark figure in the history of Chinese contemporary art, has unique significance and value in contemporary Chinese oil painting, which opens up a new field for Chinese oil painting. Zhan Jianjun pursues the freehand brushwork of the oil painting, absorbs and merges the freehand brushwork idea and the freehand brushwork spirit in the Chinese painting, thus develops a kind of oil painting work with the freehand brushwork spirit. Zhan Jianjun's early artistic pursuit was filled with the passion of youth and romance and the revolutionary passion of the ideal of the times. In this period, Zhan Jianjun's masterpieces include Start-up, Langya Mountain, five strong Men, and so on. These paintings have had a great impact, even affecting several generations of art youth. During the "Cultural Revolution", Zhan Jianjun was forced to break off his artistic exploration for many years. In the late 1970s, Zhan Jianjun sketched along the long March of the Red Army and drew many excellent works of scenery and portraits. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, Zhan Jianjun's artistic creation entered a prosperous period, and his works revealed a kind of life feeling and noble moral sentiment after the wind and rain. Presents a calm and calm life tenderness and a positive and healthy life attitude, representative works are: song of Plateau, look back, Silent Stone Lake Forest, Snow, Tide, and so on. His freehand brushwork has the taste of typical Chinese literati painting and can embody the unique appearance of Chinese painting in form and content. Zhan Jianjun's oil paintings show us a picture of Chinese culture, Chinese characteristics, and the spiritual outlook of the Chinese people since the reform and opening up. Showing a high absorption of excellent traditional art nutrition screen. This is in fact an extension of the Chinese native spirit, through the absorption of the traditional artistic spirit, making its oil painting unique style, to promote the progress of oil painting art made great contributions. Zhan Jianjun is also a painstaking art educator. In the course of teaching, he insists on the teaching idea of Mr. Dong Xiwen and develops according to the characteristics of the new period. In his teaching, he places special emphasis on professional professionalism and rigorous academic attitude. Zhan Jianjun was the director of the third studio from 1980 to 1999. He is the only teacher who has been teaching in the studio for the longest time since the studio was established in 1956. Strict discipline in teaching, be a role model, is a reliable guarantee for the healthy development of the studio. Zhan Jianjun is also an art activist and organizer who has made special contributions to the development of Chinese oil painting for decades.


相关期刊论文 前10条

1 孙美兰;“无穷动”——詹建俊的油画风采[J];美术;1993年05期

2 陈平;;心灵向着美好敞开——詹建俊艺术展开幕[J];美术;2007年06期

3 詹建俊;形式感的探求[J];美术研究;1980年04期

4 范迪安;;从象征写实到抒情表现——对詹建俊油画的再认识[J];美术研究;2007年03期

5 阴澍雨;;“写意观念”与“写意技法”[J];美术观察;2012年03期

6 唐庆年 ,张士增;用心灵作画——詹建俊和他的作品[J];美术;1985年01期

7 范迪安;;詹建俊风格[J];美术大观;2011年09期

8 孟艳琴;;“写意精神”——人类艺术追求的至高之境[J];中国艺术;2011年02期

9 章文浩;;中国油画的“写意性”[J];艺术百家;2008年04期

10 胡沙沙;向新元;;浅谈中国当代写意油画的语言形式[J];艺术研究;2010年01期

相关硕士学位论文 前1条

1 王海玲;试论油画作品的写意性[D];四川师范大学;2010年




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