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发布时间:2018-09-18 19:31
[Abstract]:Li is a native of Hainan Island with a history of more than three thousand years. They have multiplied in the long river of history, fumbled along with the fire of life, and gradually formed distinctive national culture and art in the process of learning from nature and growing up in heaven and earth. Its art painting field also has inherited and continued outstanding achievements. However, according to relevant materials, the field of contemporary art research of Li nationality is mainly concerned with folk and practical art, such as the artistic value, cultural connotation, inheritance, commercial value of Li nationality tapestry, clothing, handicraft, folk residence, etc. On the other hand, the study of painting focuses on the comments of art works and so on. Based on this, the research point of this paper is to explore the achievements of Li ethnic art creation, explore its form and present situation, find its unique aesthetic characteristics of art performance, and form a preliminary exploration of Li nationality art in Hainan. In order to explore deeply, this article combines the individual creation to apply it to the Li nationality subject matter art creation practice, causes the empty theory and the painting practice closely unifies, combs forms the practice experience. Because from the angle of painting creation practice talking about Li nationality fine arts is a relatively new angle of view in this research field, so it has certain benchmarking significance for me to use Li theme to promote art creation. In this way, the author from the perspective of the creation of Chinese fine brushwork, from the drawing material extraction, form language, color application, the embodiment of national spirit, to other art to learn from these five aspects, and combined with personal creative thinking to elaborate. It is intended to demonstrate how in the practice of art creation of Li nationality, it can not only deeply express its life and existence, but also open wider creative horizon and train of thought and pursue higher artistic realm without losing the elements and nutrients of its national culture. It can not only make the works rooted in the Chinese traditional painting context, but also create contemporary Li art works with distinctive characteristics of the times, national characteristics and personal style.


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