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发布时间:2018-09-19 05:58
[Abstract]:Zheng Yang Xiaoyang was born in Xi'an, where Han and Tang ancient capital and Silk Road starting point. In the depths of his feelings, flowing the Pentium of the Yellow River; his many years of sketching inspection, always from the main line of the Silk Road; his broad field of vision, pay more attention to the Silk Road civilization mutual learning. In more than 40 years of artistic practice and cultural thinking, he is not only an expert in the creation of realistic style and theme painting, but also a leading figure who bravely bid farewell to his previous achievements and put forward the idea of "big brushwork", and introduced the new style and features of great freehand brushwork of figure painting. Yang Xiaoyang, 59, was born in a family of art relics. The enlightenment of fine arts began at home. For more years, he graduated from Liu Wenxi, graduated from the Chinese painting department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, first studied undergraduate courses, then studied graduate classes, and then stayed in school to teach. He received two kinds of education,
【作者单位】: 中国美协理论艺委会;中央美术学院;


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3 ;杨晓阳作品[J];西北美术;1996年01期

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