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发布时间:2018-09-19 07:23
[Abstract]:In the long river of western oil painting art history, the exploration of painting color beauty has always occupied a very important position, this kind of inquiry makes color this artistic language more attractive in oil painting. It is also one of the important reasons that make the color language of oil painting develop in the direction of diversification. Painting master Rubens created the magnificent Baroque style, he in his works on the oil painting color creative treatment, oil painting language made a distinctive interpretation. This paper studies the color of Rubens oil painting mainly by literature analysis. Rubens changed the medium used in Italian painting, and the change in the texture and fluency of the medium not only facilitated the use of painters, but also, more importantly, led to a distinctive color effect in Rubens' paintings. Show the character of the master and his painting. In addition, Rubens combines the traditional painting style of Niederland in Northern Europe with the painting style of the Italian Renaissance, which constitutes his own innovative oil painting color expression technique. Therefore, Rubens' oil painting color research, Oil painting techniques and language for the development of the same important significance.


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